Technology and biological value of products from milk-protein concentrate



protein deficiency, protein-carbohydrate dairy raw materials, milk-protein concentrate, products, biological value


Background. The shortage of valuable protein in the food ration has serious consequences for public health of Ukrainian population. One of the solutions to this problem is to use milk-protein concentrates (MPC) for the production of culinary dishes and products, because they not only improve the nutritional and biological value of obtained products, but also significantly reduce their cost.
In this regard the aim is to expand the range of products based on MPC by developing new technologies, including technology of cheese cakes with MPC of buttermilk obtained with the use of cranberry puree as a coagulant (MPCC) and identifying the biological value of the product.
Material and methods. The general chemical composition of the obtained products was determined by standard methods [7–10]. Amino acid composition and biological value were determined by analytical methods [16].
For control we took classic cheesecake recipes [12] with cottage cheese (79 g), mixed with eggs (3 g), sugar (9 g) and sifted flour (9 g) for the preparation of dough and further products molding.
To obtain 100 grams of products with MPCC the concentrate (85 g) is wiped and mixed with egg mass (3 g), sugar (3 g) and sifted flour (9 g).
Results. The technological scheme of the products is shown in the table. The resulting mass is well mixed, formed into a long loaf of 5–6 cm in diameter, cut and breaded in flour, shaping the round cakes thickness of 1.5 cm.
Due to the increase in the content of the protein component with the introduction of the MPCC formulation the products resulting have less at 12.7 % humidity, almost a third fewer carbohydrates and more protein by 74.6 % compared with the control one. Ash and energy value also have an increase of 114.5 and 20.3 %, respectively.
The resulting product is characterized by increased content of all amino acids compared to the control one at 58–82 %, including essential ones.
According to the estimated data, balance of the amino acid composition of cheese cackes from the cottage cheese is 100 %, while the products with MPCC have increased index of 116 %.
The data obtained confirm that the replacement of cottage cheese in the composition with MPCC in the contributes to the enrichment of the final product with vitamins and minerals. Amount of Vitamin C in cheesecakes grew by 2.7 times, the content of vitamins A, B1 and B2 – 1.5 times, also, the provitamin A, β – carotene appeared. The amount of Iron in the products with MPCC increased very significantly by 128 times, Sodium by almost 8 times, Calcium – 3.5 times, Potassium and Magnesium 1.75 times.
Conclusion. The developed products, which are made of MPCC instead of cottage cheese, are a promising product that has high nutritional and biological value, high content of proteins and balanced amino acid composition. The use of the developed technology in food industry and restaurant business will expand the range of products with a high protein content and lower their costs, making such products more econo­mically accessible to the public.

Author Biographies

Victoria GNITSEVYCH, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor 

Tetiana YUDINA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ludmilа DEINYCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

GNITSEVYCH В., YUDINA Т., & DEINYCHENKO Л. (2017). Technology and biological value of products from milk-protein concentrate. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 23(1), 139–148. etrieved from




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