
  • Scientia fructuosa

    Scientific journal "SCIENTIA FRUCTUOSA"

    UDC 33+657]:001.891](05)(100)=161.2=111


    Established: 1998

    To October 2000 had been published under the title  "Herald  Kyiv State University  of Trade and Economics"

    To February 2022  had been published under the title "Herald  Kyiv National University  of Trade and Economics"
    ISSN 1727-9313
    eISSN 2616-5856

    From March 2022 it will be published under the title "Scientia fructuosa"

    ISSN 2786-7978

    Founder: State University of Trade and Economics

    Issues: the journal publishes research results: The issues of macroeconomic theory and economic reform in Ukraine; improving the efficiency of business in different sectors; management and marketing in trade, hospitality and tourism; accounting, financial analysis and control; development of the stock, insurance and banking markets; formation of range of products and improvement of their quality 

    Objectives or thematic focus: the promotion of economic knowledge, the publication of the results of research activities, the exchange of experience of scientific and methodological, pedagogical work, the provision of methodological and practical advices to professionals in the field of entrepreneurial activity

    ISSN: 1727-9313
    еISSN: 2616-5856

    Entered into the Register of entities in the field of print media by decision  of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 798 dated August 31, 2023 and assigned the identifier R30-01229

    Certificate of state registration: КВ Nr 25166-15106PR of 27.06.2022
    Certificate of registration of the subject of the publishing business: 
    ДК №7656 від 05.09.2022

    Registration at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:
    Order No 1643 of 28.12.2019 (Addition 4) – on Economic Sciences (jthe journal is assigned category “B”)
    Order No 1222 of 07.10.2016 to 2021 – on Philosophic Sciences
    Order No 1528 of 29.12.2014 to 29.12.2019 – on Economic Sciences
    Resolution No 1-05/4 of 14.10.2009 to 10.04.2016 – on Philosophic Sciences
    Resolution No 1-02/3 of 10.02.2010 to 10.02.2015 – on  Economic Sciences
    Resolution No 1-05/1 of 14.10.2009 to 14.10.2014 – on Economic Sciences
    Resolution No 3-05/9 of 14.11.2001 to 2009 – on Political Sciences
    Resolution No 1-02/3 of 10.02.1999 – on Economic Sciences

    SAC specialty: 051 Economics; 071 Accounting and taxation; 072 Finance, banking and insurance;
                                073 Management; 075 Marketing; 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities;
                                292 International Economic Relations

    Field of Science: Economic, Philosophic up to 2021, Political up to 2009

    Publication type for the intended purpose: scientific

    Frequency: 6 times a year

    Subscription index of the publication: 21910

    The magazine issue schedule in 2024: №1(159) – 17.02.2025; № 2(160) – 11.04.2025;
                                                                            №3(161) – 11.06.2025; № 4(162) – 16.09.2025;
                                                                            № 5(163) – 21.10.2025; № 6(164) – 16.12.2025

    Publication language: Ukrainian, English (in mixed languages)

    Editorial address: State University of Trade and Economics
                                      23, Kyoto str, Kiev, 01601, Ukraine
                                      Tel.: (044) 531-31-16; ext.: 11-16


    Founder: State University of Trade and Economics

    Year of establishment: 2005

    Topics: Dealing with the issues in the theory and practice of commodity science, 
    new technologies, hotel and restaurant business, marketing, merchandising, logistics, quality and safety of goods (services), standardization, metrology, certification and quality control, consumer protection

    Purposes or thematic orientation: Summarizing and publishing the results
    of scientific research on the commodity science and state of markets development as well as establishing a system of international cooperation of scientists

    ISSN: 1998-2666
    eISSN: 2616-6755

    Certificate of registration: КВ № 25167-15107 PR of 27.06.2022

    Professional registration in
    Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:
    Order № 261 of 06.03.2015 to 28.12.2020 – Technical science
    Order № 409 of 07.03.2020 (addition 1) – on Economic Science (journal the category “B”)
    Order № 1643 of 28.12.2019 (addition 4) – on Technical Science (journal the category “B”)
    Resolution № 1-05/1 of 10.02.2010 to 10.02.2015 – Technical science 
    Resolution № 1-05/4 of 14.10.2009 to 14.10.2014 – Economics

    Field of Science: technical science (technology food, commodity), economic science

    Publication type for the intended purpose: scientific

    Frequency: 4 times a year

    Schedule released magazine in 2024: № 1 (53) – 12.03.2025;  № 2 (54) – 11.06.2025;
                                                                       № 3 (55) – 16.09.2025;  № 4 (56) – 16.12.2025

    Language: Ukrainian, English

    Editor: Prytulska Natalia, Doctor of Technical science

    Deputy Editor: Merezhko Nina, Doctor of Technical science

    Executive Secretary: Kharsun Liudmyla , PhD (Economics)

    Editorial address: State University of Trade and Economics
                                      str. Kioto, 23, Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
                                      Tel.: (044) 531-31-32; 15-61

  • Foreign trade: economics, finance, law

    Founder: State University of Trade and Economics/assignee Kyiv national university of trade and economics
     Founded: 2010

     Range of problems:
    - trends in the development of the world economy;
    - globalization processes and related challenges for national economies, foreign economic experience;
    - international division of labor, formation of human capital, migration processes;
    - scientific and technical cooperation, innovative activity, transnational corporations;
    - all aspects of foreign trade, its influence on the development of national economies;
    - global finance, investment movement, currency and financial operations, global trends in the development of financial markets;
    - regulatory and legal provision of economic activity and trade at the national and international levels;
    - international, administrative, financial, commercial, private law;
    - law-making, law enforcement activities, judicial process.
    Program goals or thematic focus: the coverage of the results of theoretical and practical scientific research on the problems of economics, finance and law.

    ISSN: 2616-6100

    Entered into the Register of entities in the field of print media by decision  of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 798 dated August 31, 2023 and assigned the identifier R30-01229

    Certificate of state registration: КВ № 25165-15105 PR of 27.06.2022

    Certificate of registration of the subject of the publishing business ДК № 7656
    State attestation committee of the Ministry of

    Education and Science of Ukraine:
    Order No. 1643 of 28.12.2019 (addition 4) – on economic sciences (the journal is assigned category "B")
    Order No. 409 of 17.03.2020 (addition 1, № 137)  – on  legal sciences (the journal is assigned category "B")
    Order No. 1222 (addition 8) from 07.10.2016 to 07.10.2021 - on legal sciences
    Order No. 528 (addition 10) from 12.05.2015 to 12.05.2020 - on economic sciences
    Resolution No. 1-05/6 from 06.10.2010 tо 06.10.2015 – on legal sciences
    Resolution No. 1-05/2 from 10.03.2010 tо 10.03.2015 – on economic sciences

    Field of Science: Economic and Legal Sciences

    Subscription index of the publication: 09641 (DP Presa)

    Frequency: 4 times a year

    SAC specialty: 051 Economics; 071 Accounting and taxation; 072 Finance, banking and insurance;
                                073 Management; 075 Marketing; 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities;
                                292 International Economic Relations; 081 Law; 293 International law

    The magazine issue schedule in 2024: № 1 (138) – 12.03.2025;  № 2 (139) – 11.06.2025; 
                                                                            № 3 (140) – 16.09.2025;  № 4 (141) – 16.12.2025

    Publication language: Ukrainian, English (in mixed languages)

    Editor in Chief: Anatolii Mazaraki, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, academician of NAPS of Ukraine

    Deputy Editor in Chief:  Nataliia Prytulska, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

    Executive Secretary:  Gerasymenko Anzhelika, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

    Executive Clerk Secretary: State University of Trade and Economics
                                                       23, str. Kyoto, Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
                                                       tel.: +38044-531-31-16; ext. 11-16