Starter cultures in food technologies




fermentation, starter culture, lactic acid bacteria, technology, bean pastes, hummus.


Fermentation has been established as one of the oldest food processing techniques. During several millennia of its development, mankind has gone from a spontaneous process to a more controlled biochemical process, where the final result is ensured by compliance with relevant conditions and using specially selected strains of microorganisms, yeasts and moulds respectively. Nowadays the fermentation technique has a strong theoretical and practical background, spread in many branches of food industry and areas, providing wide range of food products to the consumer market. There are presented the work results of the European Food & Fermentation Cultures Association, documenting the official list of microorga­nisms, selection criteria and directions for their use as starter cultures in the production of food products. The production scheme for the starter cultures, food fermentation processes evolution, the selection criteria for the species and strains in accordance with technological tasks have been analysed. There were explored some opportunities to use starter cultures in other, non-traditional products, in particular, been pastes. Taking this into account, the innovative idea of fermented hummus was determined. It has been proven that the use of starter cultures enables the production of bean pastes, in particular hummus, without the use of preservatives, with a final product of the predicted quality.

Author Biographies

Victoriya GNITSEVYCH, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor, Professor at the Department of Restaurant and Craft Technologies

Kyrylo DORONIN, State University of Trade and Economics

Master, Postgraduate Student at the Department of Restaurant and Craft Technologies


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How to Cite

GNITSEVYCH В. and DORONIN К. 2024. Starter cultures in food technologies. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 50, 2 (Jun. 2024), 65–76. DOI:




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