Technology of milk-protein co-precipitates and their biological value



protein deficiency, protein-carbohydrate dairy raw materials, buttermilk, cranberry, viburnum, milk-protein co-precipitate, biological value.


Background. The deficit of valuable protein in the human ration can have negative consequences for the health. One of the solutions to this problem is the production of milk-protein concentrates and their subsequent use in production of foodstuffs. To improve classical coagulation methods, in particular by reducing the number of manufacturing operations for production of the milk-protein co-precipitates made of buttermilk, using berry puree as a coagulant and determination of the quality of the obtained product.
Material and methods. The general chemical composition of co-precipitates was determined by standard methods [10–14], amino acid composition was determined according to DSTU ISO 13903 [15], biological value – by analytical methods [16], organoleptic assessment was made by the following indicators – colour, consistency, taste and flavour [17].
The aim of the study is the technology of production of milk-protein co-precipitates made of buttermilk using berry puree as a coagulant and determination of the biological value of the obtained product.
Results. The technology of milk-protein co-precipitates begins with combining berry puree with cooled to 55–65 °C after high-temperature pasteurization buttermilk in a correlation 1 : 9. Received mixture stands for (10–20) • 60 sec at 70–80 °C, then it is removed from the received curd and pressed. To determine the biological value of co-precipitates proteins, number of indicators was calculated: amino acid score, index of essential amino acids, index of amino acid score difference and utility index of amino acid composition. The total biological value of received products makes 90 % for cranberry puree and 87.3 % for MPCV.
Conclusion. This article provides the technology of dairy protein co-precipitates made of buttermilk with use of cranberry and viburnum purees as coagulants. Obtained co-precipitates have high organoleptic characteristics, high protein content and its balanced amino acid composition. It was established that the total biological value of obtained products reaches 90 % for cranberry puree (DMCC) and 87.3 % for viburnum puree (DMCV).

Author Biographies

Victoriya GNITSEVYCH, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Tatiana YUDINA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ludmyla DEYNICHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

GNITSEVYCH В., YUDINA Т., & DEYNICHENKO Л. (2016). Technology of milk-protein co-precipitates and their biological value. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 22(2), 148–157. etrieved from




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