Foaming properties of model systems based on whey




dry whey, dry cranberry extract, guar gum, sugar, model composition, foaming ability, foam stability


Background. One of the opportunities to expand the range and increase the share of desserts with a foam structure is the use of multifunctional semi-finished products, the basis for which can be used protein-carbohydrate raw milk, in particular based on whey. Technologies for more than 100 names of products and semi-finished products using whey, the most of which have a liquid or condensed structure, have been developed. Studies on the possibility of developing dry semi-finished products are isolated.
The aim of the article is to study the functional and technological properties, in particular the foaming ability and stability of the semi-finished foam for whipped dessert products, depending on the ratio of its main prescription components.
Materials and methods. For the study the whey dairy dry whey (WDDW) according to DSTU 33958–2016, dry cranberry extract (CE) TM Health Link were used. The foaming properties of the samples, namely the foaming ability (FA) and the stability of the foam (SF) were determined by the Lurie method.
Results. The obtained solutions of reduced WDDW with different protein content showed certain foaming properties. The maximum manifestation was determined by the protein content of 5.8–6.5 % and temperature 5 ºC. The maximum value of foaming ability (FA) and foam stability (FS) model systems acquire the content of CE 13–18 %, which corresponds to pH 4.9–4.4. It is proved that with increasing sugar content in the range of 5–15 % FA increases by 20–25 %, the stability of the foam is almost unchanged. So, it is envisaged to use guar gum in the amount of 1 % by weight of the main components as a stabilizer. The maximum value of the FA system acquires at the beating speed (180–240) · 60s¹.
Conclusion. The maximum foaming properties are shown by the semi-finished product for whipped dairy desserts, which contains: reduced WDDW with a protein content of 5.8–6.5 %, the cranberry extract 13–18 %, sugar 5–15 %. Technological parameters, according to which the maximum manifestation of foaming properties is observed, are the temperature of 5ºСand the beating speed (180–240) · 60 s¹.

Author Biographies

Viktoriia GNITSEVYCH, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Technologies and Organization of Restaurant Business

Olena VASYLIEVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Technologies and Organization of Restaurant Business


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How to Cite

GNITSEVYCH В. and VASYLIEVA О. 2021. Foaming properties of model systems based on whey. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 40, 4 (Dec. 2021), 113–121. DOI:




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