Technology of sweet sauces from fruit and berry raw materials




semi-finished product, desserts, dogwood, Jerusalem artichoke, biologically active substances, polyphenolic compounds


Background. The solution to the problem of the negative impact on the human body of endo- and exofactors is the development and introduction of high biological value products into the diet. Important role in this is given to fresh fruits and vegetables, but their consumption is seasonal.
The aim of the study is to determine the content of polyphenolic compounds, in particular flavonoids, in the Jerusalem artichoke and dogwood semi-finished products and desserts based on them in various ways of their production.
Materials and methods. The total content of phenolic compounds was determined by high performance liquid chromatography on an Agilent Technologies device (model 1100).The identification of phenolic compounds was carried out by spectral characteristics.
Results. Spectral analysis revealed the presence of flavonoids directly in the semi-finished product and desserts –jellies, mousses, soufflés based on semi-finished product. The qualitative composition of flavonoids in semi-finished products made of Jerusalem artichoke and dogwood is represented by anthocyanins, leucanthocyanins, catechins, flavonols, which are characterized by antioxidant activity. The number of polyphenols in the samples tested is significantly reduced by external factors. Particular losses are suffered by leucanthocyanins, which are very labile and rapidly disintegrate. The greatest destructive effect is caused by heat treatment for soufflé.
Conclusion. Conducted spectral and photometric studies of Jerusalem artichoke and dogwood semi-finished products for the presence of polyphenolic substances indicate that its use for the enrichment of desserts with biologically active substances is appropriate.Intensive processing methods, such as whipping and heat treatment, have been found to significantly reduce the content of polyphenols in prepared desserts. The use of gentle technological methods of their production is recommended.

Author Biographies

Viktoriya GNITSEVYCH, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor,Professor at the Department of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business

Olena VASYLIEVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the  Department of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business


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How to Cite

GNITSEVYCH В., & VASYLIEVA О. (2020). Technology of sweet sauces from fruit and berry raw materials. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 33(1), 78–84.




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