Safety of paper packaging materials with polymer coatings




paper packaging materials, polyamidaminepichlorohydrin, polyvinyl alcohol, polymer coatings, safety


Background. Packaging materials that are intended for contact with food are subject to the strictest requirements for their safety. When choosing packaging material for such products, first of all it is necessary to ensure the required level of sanitary and hygienic characteristics.
The aim of the study is to assess the safety of moisture-resistant waterproof and moisture-resistant and water-resistant waterproof PPM (paper packaging materials) with a polymer coating.
Materials and methods. The object of the study is PPM, made by processing the base paper with coatings based on PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) and PAAEX (polyamidamine-pichlorohydrin).
The safety of the developed packaging materials was assessed by organoleptic and physicochemical methods for the presence of foreign tastes and odors, the level of migration of vinyl acetate and epichlorohydrin, the content of zinc, lead, cadmium and microbiological indicators by standard methods.
Results. Packaging paper must meet the requirements of current regulations in terms of quality, and its use is allowed subject to compliance with state sanitary norms.
Studies of organoleptic characteristics of extracts of paper packaging materials did not reveal the presence of foreign tastes and odors.
Determination of the amount of migration of harmful substances, namely vinyl acetate and epichlorohydrin, showed that the transition of the components of the solutions, which are impregnated with paper materials is within acceptable limits. The content of zinc and lead was 25 and 3 times less than the maximum allowed by regulations.
The microbiological parameters of the developed paper packaging materials meet the regulatory requirements and allow their use for food packaging.
Conclusion. Developed new types of paper packaging materials on the level of migration of toxic compounds (vinyl acetate, epichlorohydrin), heavy metal content and microbiological indicators meet the requirements for packaging both food and non-food products of pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetic and other industries.

Author Biographies

Victor OSYKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Science in Technics, Professor, Dean of the Trade and Marketing Faculty

Olha KOMAKHA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor
of the Department of commodity science and customs affairs

Volodymyr KOMAKHA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor
of the Department of commodity science and customs affairs


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How to Cite

OSYKA В., KOMAKHA О. and KOMAKHA В. 2021. Safety of paper packaging materials with polymer coatings. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 40, 4 (Dec. 2021), 59–67. DOI:




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