Rheological properties of modified acrylic dispersions



rheological behavior, surface energy state, limit of fluidity, aqueous suspensions of carbonates, filled acrylic dispersions


Background. The article studies the rheological properties of aqueous acrylic polymer dispersions filled with carbonates, analyzes dependence of the structural and mechanical properties of acrylic dispersions filled with carbonate from fillers’ properties. Relevance of the topic is due to perspective of using carbonates, including Ukrainian chalk deposits, as functional fillers in water-dispersion paint formulations.
The aim of the study is to determine structural and mechanical dependence of aqueous acrylic polymer dispersions filled with carbonates
Material and methods. Objects of study are chalks from Ukrainian deposits MMC-1 (‘N.-Siverskyi’) and MTD-2 (Sumyagroprombud) and typical carbonate filler Normcal-20 (Turkey). Acrylic polymer was used as film-former. Surface properties of carbonates (wetting and filtration coefficient for polar and nonpolar liquids, liofilic coefficient, effective specific surface) were determined by the B. Deryagin method. Rheological properties were investigated using viscometer Rheotest II.
Results. It was established that the physicochemical properties of fillers have a decisive influence on the processes of interaction and rheological behavior of carbonates in aqueous suspensions and dispersions. Thus, the mineralogical composition, dispersion, energy and filtration properties of the surface are the structure-factors in such compositions. Using of the filler in the aqueous polymer dispersion affects the kinetics of molecular interaction and limits the flexibility of macromolecular chains.
Conclusion. Domestic finely dispersed chalks MMC-1 and MTD-2 are more activite towards aqueous acrylic dispersions of film-formers as they can form more bonds, this is proved by significantly higher structural and mechanical indicators.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr KOMAKHA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Valentyn SVIDERSKYI, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

KOMAKHA В. and SVIDERSKYI В. 2014. Rheological properties of modified acrylic dispersions. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 18, 2 (Dec. 2014), 156–163.




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