Investigation of greaseproof packing paper’s characteristics


  • Konstantyn MOSTYKA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Viktor OSYKA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Leonid KOPTIUKH Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


grease proofness, packing paper, paper properties


Background. Development and implementation of ecologically safe types of fiber raw material, components and compositions, which give them barrier and protective properties, which provide creation of qualified product for relatively low price, is an important scientific problem.
Material and methods. There were made and investigated 7 samples, which differ in the weight of paper base with the area of 1 m2, airtightness index, the ratio of the components and mass fraction of the solution applied on the surface of the base. The study has determined loses of content solution, applied on the surface of the paper base, properties of paper base of different weight with the area of 1 m2and their influence on the complex of barrier, durable and physical properties of achieved material.
Results. Due to the usage of mixture of substances (polyvinyl alcohol, glycerol, sodium sulfate, carboxymethylcellulose in water) the content reaches complex of characteristics: plasticity effect, solution stability and its viscosity, grease- and waterproofness, increasing of paper mechanical durability indicators.
Developed greaseproof packaging paper does not contain harmful contaminants, does not change consumption properties of products, does not cause mutual migration of material and product components, and packaging made of it and its waste does not cause the pollution of natural environment, as they undergo second processing, utilization and bio decomposition.
Conclusion. Designed paper for food stuff packaging has such properties: high grease and temperature resistance; high stability of size and properties on all surface of the paper.

Author Biographies

Konstantyn MOSTYKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Viktor OSYKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Leonid KOPTIUKH, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

MOSTYKA К., OSYKA В., & KOPTIUKH Л. (2015). Investigation of greaseproof packing paper’s characteristics. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 20(2), 98–105. etrieved from




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