Directions for improvement of liqueurs classification
classification, assortment, liqueur and vodka products, liqueursAbstract
Background. The excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is one of the most important social and ethical problems in the world at the present stage. So scientists with professionals of food industry are looking for ways to reduce the burden of alcohol on the human body and compensate for the lack of nutrients in it by developing new types of alcoholic drinks with natural plant materials.
The aim of the research is analysis, specification, updating and modernizing the classification of liqueurs based Ukraine's integration into the world and European economic community.
Material and methods. We used classifications of liqueurs which are known in Ukraine and abroad for the analysis. The abovementioned classifications were analyzed by generalizing the separated features.
Results. The article analyzes existing classifications of liqueurs. Drawbacks and disparity of standard classification of liqueurs are shown. On the basis of analysis of domestic and foreign classifications of liqueurs, modern assortment and requirements which are given by producers, sellers and consumers, the improved classification of liqueurs by different features is presented.
Conclusion. The analysis of regulations allowed offer the classification of liqueurs to the strength, sugar content, brands, transparency, consistency, the main raw material, raw material composition and orientation of action.
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