Identification of dry instant chicory beverages by inulin content


  • Anna RUDAVSKA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Iryna KHAKHALEVA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Nadiia CHYKUN Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


dry instant chicory beverages, inulin, color intensity, active acidity (pH), photocolorimetric method


Background. Dry instant chicory beverages are becoming more popular. It is explained by chemically composition and healing properties of chicory. The main component of chicory is inulin which has a positive influence on many body organs and systems of a man. At the same time no national standards regulate its content and there is no method of inulin determination. It gives producers a chance to counterfeit this kind of beverages.
The aim is identification and comparative analysis of quantitative content of inulin in dry instant chicory beverages by different manufacturers and detection of counterfeited drinks.
Material and methods. The objects of research were four dry instant chicory beverages from different producers. To determine the inulin content was modified the methodology. Having found the suitable conditions for inulin hydrolysis the inulin content was determined by photocolorimetric method. Color of the drink was defined by optical density at photoelectric CFC-101 and active acidity (Ph) by potentiometric method.
Results. It was established, that ТМ Chicory World has the highest chicory content – 31.5 %. Real inulin content differs from the one printed on labeling by producers. The difference is from 13.3 up to 37.6 % toward overstatement. To characterize color intensity color indicator of the beverage that depends on the caramelization process was introduced. Dependence between inulin content, color and active acidity (Ph) was identified: the lower the rate of inulin content, the higher value color (intense color) and lower acidity beverage. These figures depend on producing technology. When it is extended and has higher temperature the dry mixture will has less inulin content, more intensive color and lower acidity.
Conclusion. A dry soluble beverages of chicory were identified on the inulin content and the falsification of information by producers was detected.
To prevent falsification of information it’s necessary to develop and approve regulations in the established order, which will regulate and put inulin content color indicator in dry instant chicory beverages.

Author Biographies

Anna RUDAVSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor

Iryna KHAKHALEVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Nadiia CHYKUN, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

RUDAVSKA Г., KHAKHALEVA І., & CHYKUN Н. (2015). Identification of dry instant chicory beverages by inulin content. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 20(2), 49–56. etrieved from




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