Synbiotic dairy beverages’ health claims forming


  • Bohdan HOLUB Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Svitlana DANYLENKO National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Institute of Food Resources
  • Hanna RUDAVSKA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


probiotic, synbiotic, bifidobacteria, medical and preventative qualities, fermented dairy drinks


Background. During last decades the most dynamic share of food market is a share of biotic foods (probiotics, synbiotics and prebiotics). New probiotic launches during 2010–2012 years were 19, 22 and 25 % respectively. Dairy foods took 80 % in those launches. As presented on the world market dominate probiotic food health claims related to the impact on the digestive and immune system of the human body (declared at 25 % and 11 % of new product lines position in the world market during the period 2010–2012).
Material and methods. New fermented symbiotic dairy drink Bifisyn was developed by authors. It was cultured by bi-strain starter – Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12 and Bifidobacterium longum VKPM-1514 (Institute of food recourses of Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Science). The drink is based on dairy foundation with water extract of root chicory and bifida bacteria. It’s a full-fat drink (2.5 %).
Clinical testing was performed by Research Phototherapy Institute of National University of Uzhgorod under the direction of Prof. O. M. Ganych. Clinical effectiveness of Bifisyn was evaluated by dynamic of general condition of testing group, their appetite, decreasing of main disease clinical symptoms, feces condition. Also intestine micro flora content dynamics was evaluated.
Results. It was established that Bifisyn is effective for disbacteriosis of different origin treatment. This is mainly connected with antagonistic activity of Bifisyn micro flora against wide range of pathogenic and opportunistic enterobacteria, putrefactive microorganisms, staphylococci’s, yeasts and other digestive disorders and diseases causative agents. Analyze of species showed tendency to decreasing low-glycolytic bacteria – hemolytic E. coli and Proteus. At the same time tangible decreasing of lactose-fermented coliforms was showed. These results allow to suppose positive effect of used Bifidobacteria onto intestine microbiosis. Mainly it was caused by nutrient competition and decreasing of pH in microflora habitation places.
Conclusion. Fermented dairy drink Bifisyn highly exceeds traditional cultured dairy products by prophylactic features. Human organism takes the drink well. It causes no allergy. The drink has tangible clinical effect in intestine disorders. Bifisyn favors elimination of intoxication, dyskinetic and diarrhea effects. Also it stimulates appetite, normalizes main intestine functions (secretion and acid formation), intestine digestion. As well it improves vitamin supplying, microbiotic composition, immune system activation.

Author Biographies

Bohdan HOLUB, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Svitlana DANYLENKO, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Institute of Food Resources

candidate of technical sciences, senior scientific researcher

Hanna RUDAVSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

doctor of agricultural science, professor


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How to Cite

HOLUB Б., DANYLENKO С., & RUDAVSKA Г. (2014). Synbiotic dairy beverages’ health claims forming. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 17(1), 67–75. etrieved from




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