Commodity assessment of female hygiene products




quality, female sanitary pads, packing, marking


Background. Analysis of market conditions allows us to conclude that the vast majority of female hygiene products (FHP) are imported from other countries.
An analysis of recent researches and publications has shown that, despite some scientific advances, there are virtually no results from a study of the quality of conven­tional women’s sanitary pads designed to absorb secretions on critical days.
The aim of the work is research of quality of female hygiene products (FHP) on the market in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The Subject of research are consumer properties of ordi­nary women’s sanitary pads with normal moisture absorption (4 drops) Always™, Naturella™ (Procter & Gamble, USA); Fantasy Flirt™, (Credo-Capital production, Bulgaria); Kotex™ (Kimberly-Clark, USA); Ombrello™, Lingery™ (Fujian BBC INC, PRC).
Labeling of FHP samples was examined by visual inspection in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Right Protection". Organoleptic and physicochemical parameters were determined according to the methods of GOST R 52483.
Dimensional parameters of pads (length and width, cm) were determined by a ruler (thickness, mm) – a digital caliper (brand UKC Digital Caliper 150 mm, accuracy 0.02 mm with LCD display) as the average of five measurements in the middle of the pad.
A 5-point assessment of organoleptic parameters of FHP was performed, on the basis of which the quality level was calculated by a complex method.
Results. It was established that all six studied samples of Female hygiene products of different brands, which are sold on the market of Ukraine, have significant shortcomings in labeling and packaging.
According to the calculated quality level, taking into account the weighting factors of individual pads, samples of Always™, Naturella™ and Kotex™ are defined as excellent quality products, samples of Fantasy Flirt™ and Lingery™ – as satisfactory, and the sample of Ombrello™ – unsatisfactory quality.
According to the results of physicochemical parameters research among all the presented products there is not one would meet all the indicative standards. The worst among all pads is the sample of Naturella™, which had a low value of total moisture absorption, inflated values of absorption time and wetting of the upper cover layer. The best sample for full absorption is the one of Fantasy Flirt™.
Conclusion.  Samples of the six studied brands of female hygiene products sold on the Ukrainian market have significant shortcomings in labeling and packaging, as well as in physicochemical parameters.
Manufacturers do not always comply with the rules and requirements of appli­cable regulations. In particular, there are no: product name on the main side of the package (Always™, Naturella™, Ombrello™); composition of raw materials from which products are made (Always™, Naturella™, Ombrello™, Lingery™); references to regu­latory documents (Always™, Fantasy Flirt™, Ombrello™, Lingery™).
The sample of pads Naturella™ has a low value of total moisture absorption and inflated values of absorption time and wetness of the upper cover layer.
On the agenda there is the urgent problem of developing technical requirements for the quality of female hygiene products sold on the Ukrainian market. It will be a perspective research.

Author Biographies

Tetiana BOZHKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management


category manager 

Nadiya BOLILA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Commodity Science


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How to Cite

BOZHKO Т., ZAGRIVAYA І., & BOLILA Н. (2021). Commodity assessment of female hygiene products. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 37(1), 106–114.




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