Sensory analysis of restored chicory based beverages by flavor profile



restored drinks, organoleptic evaluation, sensory characteristics, flavour profile, descriptors, profilohrama


Background. The range of chicory based dry beverages is widening. It is explained by chemically diverse composition of chicory and healing properties of it. At the same time there is no single standard for chicory beverages. Applicable national standards provide only general terms and exclude chicory chemical composition and its production technology. When choosing a drink consumers pay attention to the usefulness, price and the organoleptic properties. That is why improving the sensory characteristics of the beverage from the chicory by flavour profile in order to recommend inclusion in the normative documents is important.
Material and methods. The objects of the research were developed chicory based beverages "Tsykorlakt soothing", "Tsykorlakt soothing with coffee" and "Tsykorlakt soothing with cocoa". Comparisons were made with both standard (theoretically developed model) and between samples. The basis of new types of dry mixes for restored beverages consists of chicory and dry milk with the adding of dry extracts of balm (Melissa officinalis L.), hermit (Leonurus cardiac L.), B vitamins, cocoa, coffee and sugar. Sensory analysis was made in accordance with DSTU ISO 6564: 2005.
Results. A set of descriptors to characterize flavor was defined. By comparing the calculated overall assessment in scores, the closest to the standard drink is "Tsykorlakt soothing", which has 34.5. The difference in points 2.5 and 3.5 have drinks "Tsykorlakt soothing coffee" and "Tsykorlakt soothing cocoa", indicating the need to adjust their recipes as close as possible to the standard.
Conclusion. It was found that "Tsykorlakt soothing" has the most harmonious combination of taste and aroma. Defined descriptors of taste, smell are planned to be included into the normative documents of drinks from chicory.
The data of the sensory characteristics of the beverage will adjust recipes and beverage technology to improve the quality and satisfaction of customer requirements.

Author Biographies

Anna RUDAVSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor

Iryna KHAKHALEVA , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

RUDAVSKA Г., & KHAKHALEVA І. (2016). Sensory analysis of restored chicory based beverages by flavor profile. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 21(1), 131–137. etrieved from

