Scientific and practical approaches to the identification of juices and nectars
identification, juice, nectar, safety, falsification, identification criteriaAbstract
The increase in world production of fruit juices, nectars and drinks, hard struggle for markets for their implementation, the global economic crisis – all contributed to the emergence on the consumer market a large number of juice products of dubious quality.
Manufacture and sale of adulterated juices and nectars, along with purposeful misleading of consumers about their properties and origin can cause direct harm to public health and to promote unfair competition in the food market. In addition, all actuality is a problem or a false, misleading consumers food labels.
One of the priorities in the field of safety and quality of food is to combat the production and sale of counterfeit products. A significant proportion of counterfeit in total juice products presented on the food market is not always possible to identify and distinguish it from a wide range of products of the same type. At the same time, the lack of clear criteria for identification of juice and nectar market facilitate saturation of their counterparts.
In order to identify possible ways of falsification of juices and nectars and establish their authenticity certain criteria and means of identification are used. By this time in Ukraine there are state and international standards that provide control of raw materials and finished juice products only organoleptic, physico-chemical parameters and safety parameters. However, determining the full range specified in the current standard documentation of indicators makes it impossible to say that these products are the real (natural), and, moreover, are useful.
At present there is no single analytical method that would guarantee the authenticity of juices and nectars. The analysis of existing approaches to the identification of juices and nectars showed that the most rational matrix approach, based on the definition of a number of indicators that comprehensively and with a high degree of reliability characterize the qualitative and quantitative composition of the product. This approach involves comparing the results of studies of the chemical composition with the chemical composition of the tables present certain types of juices and use statistical data processing methods. These tables are compiled on the basis of analyzes of hundreds of authentic samples around the world and are the basis for many standards for identification in developed countries. The widespread use of modern methods of identification will effectively detect counterfeit natural juices.
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