Nutrition value of canned squash and cherry plump


  • Natalia ORLOVA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Igor KUZMENKO Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


nutrition value, natural canned squash and cherry plum, organic acid, fructose, pasteurization


Background. There are no natural canned vegetable and fruit in the structure of fruit and vegetable canned food market in Ukraine. Canned vegetables are mostly pickled products, which composition includes acetic or citric acid used as a preservative and an acidity regulator. Technology of processing fruit and vegetable with reduced amount of artificially added acid, salt, sugar or substituting them with natural ingredients is progressive now.
The aim of the study is formation of consumer properties and quality research of natural canned for a healthy diet.
Material and methods. As the objects have served: squash variety Gribovskyi-37, cherry plum variety Hack, natural canned squash and cherry plum (control sample included a little acetic acid, study 1 – 20 % sugar, study 2 – 15 % fructose).
Blanching raw materials followed by canned pasteurization was used.
Canned foods quality was researched of organoleptic, physical and chemical parameters after 3 and 9 months of storage. 5-points scale to evaluate the organoleptic characteristics was developed. Amount of dry soluble solids was studied with refract metric method [9], general sugar faction colorimetric method [10], pectines – amount-weight method [11], total content of titrated acids – [12], pH level – portable potential metric (pH-meter, Hanna instruments – 8314) [13, С. 159–167]. Examination was done three times.
Results. The highest organoleptic evaluation was for the samples with added refined sugar. During the 4–9 storage months there was a slight decrease of the mass fraction of soluble solids, pectin and protopectin in all canned components. During the storage period the titrated acidity value was at 0.69 % and the pH at 3.6 which remained virtually unchanged during a shelf life that insured stable quality of a product.
Conclusion. Due to suggested way of combining squash and cherry plum product has got new organoleptic properties and quite high nutritional value. Due to organic acid of cherry plum necessary pH level was achieved without artificial acid – not higher than 4.4 that ensured their quality for 9 months.

Author Biographies

Natalia ORLOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

doctor of technical sciences, professor

Igor KUZMENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

ORLOVA Н., & KUZMENKO І. (2013). Nutrition value of canned squash and cherry plump. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 15(1), 93–102. etrieved from




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