Safety of aubergine snacks


  • Julia DIAKOVA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Natalia ORLOVA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


convective drying, dried aubergine snacks, safety, microbiological indicators, toxic elements, solanine


Background. The main trend in the snacksmarket is increase in public interest to healthy food. Alternative of the snacks with low biological value and with high energy value can be dried vegetable snacks. Very limited number of scientific researches is dedicated to the problem of the safety of dried fruits and vegetables. Drying as a way of preserving ensures microbiological safety. But the risks of chemical contamination are essential.
The aim of the scientific work is to research safety of dried aubergine snacks.
Material and methods. Research objects were dried aubergine snacks with the taste of sweet pepper and dried aubergine snacks with the taste of tomatoes [10; 11]. The toxic elements content was determined by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma in Optima 2100 DV [13]; microbiological safety indicators (E. coli, number of MAFAnM, pathogens, mold fungi and yeasts) – according to conventional methods; solanine content – direct weighing method.
Results. Bacteria of E. coli and pathogenic microorganisms including Genus Salmonella, were found in the samples. This data suggests a stable microbiological safety of the samples of aubergine snacks within 12 months of storage. Keeping eggplant strips in water solution (1 % sodium chloride and 0.05 % ascorbic acid) reduces the toxic elements content and solanine content in the finished product. During drying most enzymes are inactivated, microorganisms are killed in the vegetative form. This helps to ensure sanitary and hygienic safety and stability of the finished product during storage (subject to the rules of production and storage conditions).
Conclusion. The proposed method of pretreatment of fresh eggplant and the proposed drying regime provide chemical and biological safety of dried aubergine snacks.

Author Biographies

Julia DIAKOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Natalia ORLOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

DIAKOVA Ю., & ORLOVA Н. (2015). Safety of aubergine snacks. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 19(1), 175–182. etrieved from

