Changes in the carotenoid content in aubergine snack during storage


  • Julia DYAKOVA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Natalia ORLOVA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


convective drying, carotenoids, β-carotene, dried aubergine snacks, stabilization


Background. During the preparation of plant material to dry and in the process of drying and storage significant changes in the chemical composition take place. Carotenoids are sensitive to the sunlight and the atmospheric oxygen. Very limited number of scientific researches is dedicated to the problem of the quality stabilization and the enrichment of dried fruits and vegetables through the use of different methods of pre-treatment. Therefore, the purpose of the research is the study of changes in carotenoid content during long-term storage of the aubergine snacks according to the type of packaging, as well as enrichment of dried vegetable products with carotenoids during the raw material pre-treatment.
Material and methods. Research objects were dried aubergine snacks, stored for 3, 6, 9 and 12 months in different types of packaging. The pre-treatment was soaking prepared aubergine slices in the flavor juices of sweet pepper, tomatoes, celery root and herbs (dill and leaf parsley) with adding the garlic, salt, sugar. Carotenoid content was determined photometrically with five times frequency.
Results. Carotenoid content in dried eggplant snacks of two kinds differs significantly. This is due to the recipe composition of flavor juices and their consistency. Changes in carotenoid content during the storage of snacks in vacuum packages (plastic bags with sealing film and glass jars with twist-off lid) are minor. While storage in polybags without vacuum closure the significant losses of carotenoids were identified.
Conclusion. Vacuum packaging was chosen for long-term storage of snacks. The proposed method of the auberginepre-treatment before drying (soaking in flavor vegetable juices) enriches the eggplant snacks with the carotenoids.

Author Biographies

Julia DYAKOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Natalia ORLOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

DYAKOVA Ю., & ORLOVA Н. (2014). Changes in the carotenoid content in aubergine snack during storage. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 18(2), 164–172. etrieved from

