Scientific approaches to the development of products for the people with thermal injuries
products for nutritional support, enteral and parenteral nutrition, thermal injuries, energy requirementsAbstract
Ultimate and balanced diet is the basis of life activity of organism of the person, which determines the ability to overcome various diseases, physical and psycho-emotional stresses and overloads. Macro- and micronutrients that enter the body with food, actively affect all processes of metabolism, the state of immune and digestive systems, etc. Supplying the organism of ill person with proper nutritional support through specially designed products is considered to be one of the key factors for successful treatment in modern system of clinical nutrition. Optimal nutritional status largely determines the ability of the patient to overcome illnesses and injuries easier with smaller functional loss and better rehabilitation process.
Burn shock develops with the subsequent course of burn disease in case of thermal injury with a total burn area over 10 % of body surface for adults, and 5–7 % for children and elderly people. The metabolic response of the organism to this has the following characteristics: the development of nonspecific reactions of hypermetabolism with complex disorder of metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, increased use of carbohydrate-lipid reserves and the collapse of the tissue proteins, accompanied by total loss of body weight.
The article discusses the basic methods for calculating energy needs of people with thermal injuries according to Formulas of Currera, Harris-Benedict and the European Association of heavy therapy, and present-day literature data were used to characterize methods for nutritional support of the patient. As a result of analyzing the course of hypermetabolism–hypercataboism syndrome, observed in patients with thermal injuries, quantitative requirements and general regularities of use and assimilation of basic macro- and micronutrients by organism were determined. Basing on the material in the article, the necessity to create domestic functional products with balanced composition based on dry mixes for nutritional support of thermally-injured people was proved. These products shall correspond to the present day principles of nutritiology.
The authors created and proposed the formula of food product for peroral use. It is based on protein concentrate from milk whey, which includes 77.5 % of proteins, 55 % of fats, 8.7 % of carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and mineral substances. The source of essential fatty acids is dry extract omega-3. The source of carbohydrates is fruit sugar and fructose (in the ratio 2 : 1). The implementation of amino acids of glutamine and ornithine was suggested due to specific nature of recovery process. Soluble fiber was chosen to ensure normal work of gastrointestinal tract because it absorbs bile acids and cholesterol, and improves gastric motility. In order to further enrich dry soluble mixtures, vitamins A, C, D, vitamins of B complex, and mineral substances were used in accordance with the specific needs of people with thermal injuries during their treatment.
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