Formation of quality of milk analogue from Greek fenugreek seeds




plant-based milk analogues, fatty acid composition, drink, quality, amino acid composition taste, smell, consumer, Maillard reactio


The impact of heat treatment on the chemical composition of fenugreek seeds is analyzed. Tests of its amino acid composition and the content of mono- and disac­charides show that the Maillard reaction does not result in essential changes in the taste and aromatic properties of the raw material. It is found that heat treatment changes the fatty acid composition of the seeds, with reducing the quantity oflinoleicacid which enzymatic oxidation forms the compound 1-octen-3-olthat may cause the mushroom-specific smell of the seeds.

Author Biographies

Yuliia MOTUZKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Department of commodity science, safety and quality management

Anna KOSHELNYK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student Department of commodity science, safety and quality management


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How to Cite

MOTUZKA, Y., & KOSHELNYK, A. (2020). Formation of quality of milk analogue from Greek fenugreek seeds. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 34(2), 110–118.

