Commodity science principles for positioning products for enteral nutrition



products for enteral nutrition, foods for special medical purposes, food hygiene, production, consumer


Background. Nutrition is the basis for the full life of human organism. For the improvement of treatment effectiveness over than 50 % of patients in critical conditions require nutritional therapy with enteral nutrition. It reduces the risk of postoperative complications and infections, post aggressive reaction severity, accelerates rehabilitation, reduces the cost of medical diagnostic procedures and medications, improves the recovery of the sick and wounded people.
The aim of work is the development of measure system for enteral nutrition product positioning, using the principles of commodity science.
Material and methods. The basis of methodological researching framework was the complex of scientific knowledge systematic approach and synthesis methods, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists.
Results. The key in development and positioning of products for enteral nutrition is focusing on the consumers’ needs, which involves the study of their needs and demand for products, requirements of medical professionals, creation of optimized composition models according to the specifics of a particular patient treatment and rehabilitation phase, comprehensive commodity assessment of products during their life cycle, development and approval of regulatory documentation, medical and clinical researches, industrial testing, development of recommendations for determining the optimal product packaging, dispensing, using, consumption and so on.
The development of unified scientific and organizational measure system for products for enteral nutrition safety and quality management, based on commodity approaches, nutrient content optimizing, which allows for a certain period of patient treatment and recovery stage, is a priority for the formation of national assortment of products for enteral nutrition. Creation of products for enteral nutrition is multi branch complex problem, effective solution of which can be ensured by the adoption and implementation of the State social programme of product for enteral nutrition producing development in 2015–2019 years.
Conclusion. For the development of domestic products for enteral nutrition production the government support and regulatory and methodological insurance of products safety and quality are needed. It is also urgent to work out a roadmap for using resources of state agencies, academic institutions, hospitals, businesses for establishing domestic production of special products for enteral nutrition.

Author Biographies

Natalia PRITULSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Yulia MOTUZKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

PRITULSKA Н., & MOTUZKA Ю. (2014). Commodity science principles for positioning products for enteral nutrition. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 18(2), 53–61. etrieved from




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