Product range for enteral nutrition: classification and trade positioning




products for enteral nutrition, retail trade, taxonomy, assortment, consumer preferences.


Nutrition is one of the main factors ensuring functioning of the organism. Its compliance with metabolic processes becomes increasingly important in emergencies. In order to minimize the negative impact of these phenomena in the body, the consumption (use) of food products for special medical purposes, in particular products for enteral nutrition, has become widespread in modern practice. Properly planned and implemented measures aimed at the formation of a rationally planned assortment, its segmentation, presentation and positioning on the market are rather important for ensuring market promotion and products sales. It should be based on an analysis of consumers needs, expectations and interests. This necessitates the development and imple­mentation of a set of measures that will ensure the success of organizations in the production and sale of goods, in particular products for enteral nutrition. The scientific hypothesis that the study and consideration of methodological features of products for enteral nutrition systematization and positioning, attitudes, and expectations of their target consumers will improve the process of forming an assortment matrix and selling of product this type has been established. Based on the analysis of metho­dological aspects of products for enteral nutri­tion assortment’s systematization and posi­tioning, their main manufacturers were identified. It was analysed that these products belong to the group of everyday goods, in particular the subgroup of emergency demand. The expediency of their trade grouping by purpose, the use of the concept and type of commodity display, which will be determined by the certain retail organization’s peculia­rities planning were established. It was found that consumers are mostly favorable (44.8%) to the use the products for enteral nutrition. The main factor determining the need to purchase these products is ensuring the accele­ration of the pace of treatment and rehabili­tation in case of diseases and injuries (30.2%). The main factor influencing the choice of certain names of this product by consumers is the recommendations of professional medical workers (36.8%). Other factors of the choice of the studied products were analyzed: the estimated amount of funds for purchase, information about the composition, manufacturer, country of manufacture, presentation form, type of packaging, optimal amount of product in it, recommendations and wishes of target consumers. The low level of awareness of the population about this product, its properties, consumer benefits, which significantly affects demand, was also noted.

Author Biography

Dmytro ANTIUSHKO, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity Science and Pharmacy


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How to Cite

ANTIUSHKO Д. 2025. Product range for enteral nutrition: classification and trade positioning. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 53, 1 (Mar. 2025), 126–140. DOI:




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