Factor analysis of the quality and safety of leather materials





leather materials, factors, formation of quality and safety, coefficient of gravity


Introduction. The feasibility of using natu­ral leather in the manufacture of children’s shoes is confirmed by the physical and mecha­nical, hygienic properties and chemical compo­sition of the leather.

Problem. The formation of the list of im­portant operational and hygienic properties is ensured by a complex multi-stage technological process of leather production, features of the type and structure of leather raw materials, multifunctional chemical and biologically active materials, which requires a comprehensive app­roach to the formation of factors of targeted influence on the quality and safety of leather materials for children’s shoes.

The aim of the work is to establish causal relationships between the quality and safety of leather materials for children’s shoes and the factors that affect them.

Methods. The object of the study is the factors of forming the quality and safety of lea­ther materials for children’s shoes using the cause-and-effect diagrams of Ishikawa Kaoru.

The factor analysis was carried out by an expert method, for which a group of 20 experts, product experts and competent specialists were involved.

Results. In order to establish a connection between the reasons that shape the structure and properties of natural leather during production, and the level of their quality and safety, the most important list of factors was calculated by an expert method: the selection of raw mate­rials, chemical reagents, manufacturing techno­logy, personnel and storage conditions. Accor­ding to calculations, the most significant factors influencing the formation of the quality and safety of leather are the selection of raw mate­rials and manufacturing technology with weigh­ting factors of 0.292 and 0.333, respecttively.

Each of the significant factors (of the first order) of the formation of the quality and safety of natural leather, as well as additional ones (factors of the second order), which have an indirect influence on the solution of the task, was separately considered by the ranking.

Conclusions. The practical implementation of factor analysis at the enterprise will make it possible to effectively manage the quality and safety of leather materials, taking into account the characteristics of raw materials and che­mical reagents, production, technical capabili­ties of specific enterprises, organization of supp­ly and storage of goods.

Author Biographies

Maryna ZHALDAK, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Philosophy (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs

Olena MOKROUSOVA, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs

Nina MEREZHKO, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs


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How to Cite

ZHALDAK М. ., MOKROUSOVA О. ., & MEREZHKO Н. . (2022). Factor analysis of the quality and safety of leather materials. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 43(3), 60–74. https://doi.org/10.31617/2.2022(43)05




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