The market of polymeric heat-insulating materials in Ukraine




heat-insulating material, polymeric heat-insulating material, import, export, stone wool, glass wool, polystyrene foam, extracted polystyrene foam


Background. Nowadays, the problem of ensuring energy saving is one of the most relevant in construction sector according to both directions: development and building of the new objects and reconstruction of operated ones that is connected with the sharp growth of energy carriers’ costs. Polymeric heat-insulating materials are the materials intended for isolation of heat fluxes.
The aim of the article is the analysis of polymeric heat-insulating materials current market's situation in Ukraine, of import and export dynamics with definition of the main countries-contractors for defining top trends and the prospects of development.
Materials and methods. General scientific and special research methods are used. Market analysis tools of International Trade Center were used (ITC).
Results. Polymeric heat-insulating materials are intended for insulation of thermalstreams and make up about 36 % of the thermal insulation materials' market of Ukraine.
А clear tendency of heat-insulating materials production increasing on the market, which is a positive dynamics: in 2018 compared to 2017 the amount of polymeric heat-insulating materials production in Ukraine increased by 0.57 million cubic meters.
A wide range of polymeric heat-insulating materials is presented in Ukraine, including distributors such as Budmax Ltd., Aiperon Ltd., AgroMat Ltd., a network of large specialized stores Oldi, Leroy Merlin Ltd., Epicenter Ltd. and others.
Polymer heat-insulating materials are exported from Ukraine to Poland, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Moldova, Belarus, Romania, Estonia, Serbia. The main importing countries in 2018 were Poland, the USA, China, Italy, Turkey, Austria, Germany, Finland. Import prevails over exports.
The direction of development of methods for the use of ash-slag wastes (in particular, ash as microspheres) of TPPs as fillers of polymeric heat-insulating materials, whose low cost causes an increase in demand for their use with modifying the composition of materials, providing high thermal insulation properties, is intensively developing.
Conclusion. Nowadays, the insulation materials market in Ukraine is mainly represented by the following types of heat-insulating products: foam-polystyrene, aerated concrete, foam concrete, soft insulation from glass and mineral wool of domestic and foreign manufacturers.
Production of polymeric heat-insulating materials (unique combination of high durability, heat-insulating properties and environmental friendliness) is about 36 % of the market in Ukraine and in 2018, in comparison with 2017 it has increased by 0.57 million m3.
The leading domestic manufacturers of polymeric heat-insulating materials is Ltd. Polirem, Ltd. Henkel Bautekhnik Ukraine, SPE Helios.
Import of polymeric heat-insulating materials to Ukraine prevails over export that is explained by the highest technological level of foreign producers.
Positive development of the market of polymeric heat-insulating materials can be achieved by preserving the existing export market of building materials, improving the quality indices of domestic products to meet European standards with the aim of their import substitution and increasing export volumes to the EU countries.

Author Biographies

Nina MEREZHKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor,
Head of the Department of Commodity and Customs Affairs

Vlada SHKODA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student at the Department of Commodity and Customs Affairs


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How to Cite

MEREZHKO Н. ., & SHKODA В. . (2019). The market of polymeric heat-insulating materials in Ukraine. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 30(2), 18–26.

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