Morphometric parameters of Rapana venosa identification


  • Marina APACH Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Olena SYDORENKO Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Hanna BURKATSKA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Rapana of the Black Sea (Rapana venosa), bulot, mass and size parameters, massiveness of shell, fatness, logistics.


Background. Rapana of the Black Sea is in high demand in such countries as Turkey, Bulgaria and Korea, is a traditional fishing product in the Mediterranean countries and the Far East. However the capture level of Rapana is the lowest in Ukraine among of all the Black Sea countries. Considering the significant negative environment impact of Rapana on the Black Sea, all changes of its development have to be controlled constantly. Size-mass parameters of Rapana are one of the most important characteristics that determine effectiveness and direction of mollusk processing.
The aim of the work is to determine the basic morphometric parameters of Black sea Rapana (Rapana venosa) and Bulot.
Material and methods. The target of the research is Rapana of the Black Sea (Rapana venosa) of autumn catch (assembly point Yuzhny city, Odessa region), Whelk mollusk (Bulot) (purchased in retail chain Auchan). The research included analysis of the age, sex, size of the Black Sea Rapana. Histological parameters are made by USB digital microscope [13]. Morphometric definitions were carried out with the following parameters: height of shell (H) and width of shell (W), apical angle (a), mass of mollusk with shell (M1), wet weight of soft body with viscera (M3), mass of edible part (M4). Test indicators reflect massiveness of shell, habit of a mollusk etc. The research of morphological characteristics was carried out with trammel (measurement accurate to 0.1 mm) and laboratory scales (measurement accurate to 0.1 gr). Statistical processing of findings has been accomplished in MS Excel by uniform method [14].
Results. It is determined that microstructure of Rapana’s muscular tissue has a big amount of connective interlayers between muscle bundles that bear against each other which create solid mass. The identified special aspects of muscular tissue microstructure of rapana's leg determine more hard than in other hydrobionts meat texture. The maximum total weight of studied rapana mollusk is 128.55 gr for male and 115.03 gr for female while the minimum weight of mollusk vary from 58.91 to 68.58 gr for males and females. The age for females was from 2 to 10 years, for males from 3 to 10 years. Consequently the use of mollusk in food technology is requires a study and scientific rationale of consumer properties depending on morphometric parameters.
Conclusion. The main biological tendencies of Rapana development in the Black Sea that characterize the criteria in food use are growth rate reduction, size loss and size decreasing of puberty age. It is determined that rapana demonstrates a stability of basic conchological characteristics in native areal and in new geography which provides an opportunity to identify this species through basic morphometric parameters.

Author Biographies

Marina APACH, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Olena SYDORENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Hanna BURKATSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

APACH М., SYDORENKO О., & BURKATSKA Г. (2016). Morphometric parameters of Rapana venosa identification. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 22(2), 117–129. etrieved from




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