Pancake technology using hydrolizate "Rapamid" 209



pancakes, buckwheat stuffing, cabbage and champignons stuffing, additive , microelementozes


Background. Today there is a deficit of food albumen almost for the half of people which live on Earth. For the increase of food value of flour foods (products) untraditional types of raw material of the animal and vegetable origin are applied, for example, protein hydrolizate "Rapamid", made from shellfishes of whelk Rapanathomasiana and mussels of the Black Sea Mytilusgalloprovincialis.
The aim of the study is a substantiation of compounding and development of practical aspects of technology of pancake with the use of hydrolizate "Rapamid".
Material and methods. The object of the research is a pancake semi-prepared product, pancake with cabbage stuffing and buckwheat and champignons stuffing with addition of hydrolizate "Rapamid". As a control sample was used original compounding of pancake semi-prepared product, stuffing and prepared products [17].
Content of minerals was defined with atom-absorption method on the spectrophotometer of Techtron-AA-4 (Austria), iodine by the method of inversion voltamperometry (device of AVA-3), amino acid by S. Moore and W. Stein in modification of N. N. Alakhov and other on the amino analyzer Biotronik-5001 (GFR) [18; 19]; amino acid index and amino acid score by calculation (for the prepared foods).
Results. It has been identified that the rational amount of hydrolizate during the production of pancake semi-prepared product makes 7.07 gr (7 % to mass of milk); for stuffing with cabbage – 4.8 gr, (4 % from mass of cabbage) for stuffing with buckwheat – 6.0 gr (12.0 % from mass of buckwheat).
The balance of irreplaceable amino acids after correlation to the physiological necessary norm is characterized by the coefficient of utility, which for a pancake semi-prepared product with hydrolizate of "Rapamid" is 0.77, that is by 0.31 more than control.
In composition of pancakes with hydrolizate "Rapamid" by comparison to control amount of Potassium grows on the average by 9 %, Iodine by 181, Calcium by 24, Selenium by 42 %. Consequently, the consumption of portion of pancakes (250 gr) promotes better providing of organism with necessary macro- and microelements, in particular with Iodine by 27–30 %, Selenium by 37–47 %, Ferum by 52–54 %, that exceeds control samples.
Conclusion. The developed pancakes with stuffing are products with the balanced amino acid composition, in particular content of indispensable amino acid. They can be recommended for enriching ration of man which suffers from protein defficiency. Content in the products of Iodine, Selenium and Ferum, makes possible the increase of level of providing of day's necessity of man with these microelements.
A patent has been obtained on an useful model "Production method of a semi-prepared pancake".

Author Biographies

Iryna ANTONYUK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ludmila DEYNICHENKO, National University of Food and Technologies

Master, Junior Researcher


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How to Cite

ANTONYUK І. and DEYNICHENKO Л. 2015. Pancake technology using hydrolizate "Rapamid" 209 . INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 19, 1 (Jun. 2015), 209–217.

