Technology of fruit-berry desserts with increased concentration of oligoelements


  • Vitaliy CORZUN Institute of hygiene and medical ecology the name of A. Marzeeva AMS of Ukraine
  • Iryna ANTONYUK Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


fruit-berry desserts, laminar and cistozira, microelements


Background. Dramatic changes in the structure of nutrition (monotonous ration) make it impossible to provide body with all the necessary elements. Content of some mineral elements in food products has decreased in comparison with 1996 for 12–75 %.Our researches were directed on development of new technologies of desserts with increased concentration of minerals which can be used in the nutrition of adults and children with the purpose of prophylaxis of microelementoz, in particular to the deficit of iodine and selenium.
Material and methods. An object of the research is technology of fruit-berry desserts of the prophylactic setting with the use of cistoziria and laminar. The article of researches is cistozira (ТУ У 21663408.001–2006), laminar (ТУ 15-01 206–89), fruit-berry desserts.
Content of mineral elements was identified with an atom-absorb method by spectrophotometer of Techtron-AA-4 (Austria). Content of iodine was identified by the method of inversion voltamperometry (device of AVA-3, Russia). Research is carried out after the attested methods of implementation of measuring. Control is conducted on the basis of international standards of quality and confirmed by comparative interlaboratory tests. Repetition of experiments is fivefold.
Results. Technology of fruit-berry desserts ("Suite", "Sonata", "Symphony", "Nocturne") with the use of cistoziri or laminar powder was developed. A rational amount of addition was 0.33 % from mass of dessert or 0.5 gr per portion (an output of portion is 150 grammas).
For determination of addition content the organoleptic indexes of the prepared food were taken into account, which must be within the limits of control sample, and also middle norms of physiology necessity in iodine and selen. Developed fruit-berry desserts are made with minimum thermal treatment which is instrumental in retaining all essential elements.
On the basis of results of researches the substantial increase of content of iodine and selenium in the developed desserts has been identified. Day's necessity of organism in iodine is 125–135 % (control sample – from 1.5 to 3.7 %) desserts, but as an iodine is in an organic form, exceeding the recommended day's dose does not carry out negative influence; satisfaction of day's requirement in selen is 83 % (in control samples traces of this microelements were found).
Conclusion. Thus, developed fruit-berry desserts with increased concentration of iodine and selenium can be recommended for consumption with the purpose of prophylaxis of deficit of these microelements in a human organism.

Author Biographies

Vitaliy CORZUN, Institute of hygiene and medical ecology the name of A. Marzeeva AMS of Ukraine

doctor of medicine sciences, professor

Iryna ANTONYUK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

CORZUN В., & ANTONYUK І. (2013). Technology of fruit-berry desserts with increased concentration of oligoelements. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 15(1), 53–62. etrieved from

