Low-lactose pumpkin-yogurt dessert: nutritional and biological value
cystosira, lactose intolerance, pumpkin-yoghurt dessert, low-lactose dessert, nutritional value, biological value.Abstract
The analysis of existing habitual diets and the presence of a large number of consumers with lactose intolerance actualizes the creation of products, in particular dessert ones, with a low lactose content, since the range of such products on the international and domestic markets does not satisfy existing requests. Based on the analytical review of information sources and the results of previous studies, a scientific hypothesis was formulated: the use of low-lactose raw materials and cystozira powder will allow creating dessert products with improved nutritional and biological value. The conducted studies were aimed at determining the nutritional and biological value of low-lactose pumpkin-yogurt dessert. The work used modern and standard research methods. The experimental data obtained are presented in SI units. The use of low-lactose yogurt, produced on the basis of secondary dairy raw materials, namely buttermilk, not only allows creating products with a low lactose content, but also contributes to increasing its nutritional and biological value. Yogurt contains a full set of essential amino acids, and the use of cystozira seaweed powder in pumpkin puree allowed to significantly improve the mineral composition of the dish. The technology of low-lactose pumpkin-yogurt dessert is presented, its nutritional and biological value is analyzed. It was determined that the sample of the developed product compared to the control has significantly higher levels of most nutrients: proteins – 94.6%, dietary fiber – 42.9%, potassium – 3.3 times, iron – 8.25 times. It is especially worth noting the significant increase in the content of iodine and selenium in the developed dessert. It is shown that the satisfaction of the daily need for iodine and selenium for the control sample is 1.3 and 12%, while in the developed product these indicators reach 100% when consuming 150 g of dessert. In the developed dessert, an increase in the content of essential amino acids was found twice and the calculated rate of essential amino acids was exceeded compared to the control product. It was also shown that the digestibility of proteins in the low-lactose dessert exceeds the control indicators, which indicates its high biological value. Based on the investigated indicators of the nutritional and biological value of the developed dessert, this product can be recommended for use in the diet of people with lactose intolerance, as well as for the prevention and correction of iodine deficiency states.
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