Technology of the whipped sweet dishes of enhanced biological value
sweet dishes, mousse, soufflé, pumpkin, cistozira, microelementosisAbstract
Background. Adequate nutrition is determined not only by the energy value of meal, balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, but also by vitamins and microelements. Deficit even of one of micronutrient is able to start the chain of metabolic disturbances. World and domestic experience shows that development and production of the various special food products, additionally enriched with scarce (in the dietary structure) nutrients is the most effective and expedient from the economic, social, hygienically and technological points of view measure of solving the problem. But it’s inappropriate to enrich a product with only one most scarce nutrient.
Consequently, our researches are directed on development of new technologies of the whipped sweet foods with enhanced maintenance of mineral substances which can be used in the nutrition of adults and children in order to prevent lack of microelements, particular to the deficit of iodine and selenium.
The aim of work is substantiating compounding and development of technology of the whipped sweet foods of enhanced biological value based on pumpkin puree, namely mousse and soufflé.
Material and methods. A research object is technology of the whipped sweet dishes (pumpkin mousse and pumpkin soufflé) of enhanced biological value, developed based on pumpkin puree with the use of cistozir (TU 21663408.001–2006). Traditional dishes such as pumpkin soufflé and pumpkin mousse were selected for a control sample [23].
The organoleptic estimation of dishes is conducted by developed 5-score scale taking into account the coefficients of importance of separate indexes. Content of mineral substances was defined by an atomn-absorbtion method with the spectrophotometer Techtron-АА-4 (Austria), Iodine by the method of inversion voltamperometry (device AVA-3, Russia) [24]. Experiments were repeated is five times.
Results. Linen flour, which today is becoming a popular stiffener, was used for the proper consistency of the mousse.
Content of cistozira was determined, so that the offered amount of addition must not worsen the organoleptic indexes of the prepared food, and at the same time to provide 30–60 % day’s requirement in iodine and selenium. Rational amount of additions which makes 0.7 % from mass of the prepared food or 1 gram on 150 grams of sweet food (standard output of portion) was defined.
Based on experimental researches the substantial increase of content of iodine and selenium is identified in the developed desserts. Biological value of the whipped sweet food on the basis of pumpkin puree, namely pumpkin mousse Soniachnyi bryz and pumpkin soufflé Zolotyi promin grew in relation to Calcium 2.42 times and by 15.5 %, to Potassium by 14.7 % and by 8.8 %, to Magnesium by 69.6 and by 42.1 %, Ferum by 17.3 and 3.9 %, to Iodine by 64.4 and 12.1 times and to Selenium by 19.7 and 30 times accordingly.
The types of quality of the developed food have a greater area of surface by comparison to a control sample, and content of Iodine and Selenium exceeds a standard, as it satisfies day’s requirement in these substances by 68.7–72.7 and 85.7–92.3 % accordingly.
Conclusion. The use of cistozira, pumpkin, linen flour improves organoleptic indexes, increase of nutritional, biological, in particular mineral, values and quality of the developed whipped sweet food such as Soniachnyi bryz mousse and Zolotyi promin soufflé.
Social effect consists in expansion of assortment of competitive sweet food that can be recommended to all age groups (except for babies) of population of Ukraine within the limits of physiology norms instead of their traditional analogues.
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