Biological value of fish & plant semifinished products based on Azov goby



Azov goby, ish & plant semifinished products, fish & plant pasta and flour, amino acid composition, biological value, mineral composition


Background. Fish industry plays an important role solving the problem of shortage of high-grade protein and mineral elements in the mass segment and social nutrition of Ukrainians. Azov-Black Sea goby is a major industrial object that makes up a significant share in the amounts of fish products production, which is about 10 % of the total domestic production of fish [2]. The range of food products made from Azov goby is limited. Difficulties in Azov goby processing technology make it impossible to use it fully in food technology. Therefore comprehensive recycling of Azov goby to paste and dried fish & plant semifinished products is appropriate and relevant.
The aim of the scientific work is researching nutrient adequacy and biological value of fish & plant semifinished products derived from hydrothermal treated Azov goby carcasses for use in cooking, confectionery and food concentrates.
Material and methods. Research object was frozen small Azov goby produced by "Tepliye morya", pasta and flour based on Azov goby. Chemical composition of fish & plant semifinished products was investigated in accordance with GOST 7636–85 [12]: mass fraction of water by drying at a temperature of 100–105 °C; fat by Soxhlet method; protein by Kjeldahl method, ash by gravimetric method. Mineral elements content was determined by roentgen analysis by analyzer ElvaX-Med; Calcium and Phosphorusby colorimetric method; aminoacid composition by ion-exchange liquid-chromatography [16].
Results. The results of study show that content of five essential amino acids in Azov goby minced meat is 1.1–1.9 times higher than in the reference. However, isoleucine and valine were revealed limiting, which determines the vectors of corrective measures search during the development of combined fish & plant semifinished products.
Application of the complex processing of Azov goby allows to reduce the loss of raw fish, due to combination with the plant improve the amino acid composition of fish & plant semifinished products. It has been determined that designed fish & plant semifinished products for most essential amino acids have high amino acid scores, however, valine, isoleucine and tryptophan are limited. It was established that adding sunflower seeds to the paste of Azov goby improves amino acid balance.
Having defined mineral composition of fish & plant semifinished products, it was found that they can be a source of organic Calcium and Phosphorus.
Efficiency of using designed fish & plant semifinished products in the production of flour and confectionery products of high biological value was confirmed. The research of the amino acid composition of developed crisp bread and cupcake of fish & plant semifinished products shows increase of protein utilitarian factor by 33.1 % in fish cupcake and 24.2 % in fish crisp bread.
Conclusion. A set of indicators of high biological value of fish & plant semifinished products has been analyzed and prospects of their use in the production of culinary, confectionery, snack products and food concentrates has been defined. Adding them in optimal quantities to formulations of these products will make it possible to increase the content of valuable protein, Calcium and other mineral elements, and to use rationally domestic raw materials, expand the range of products, reduce their costs and increase their accessibility to the general population, particularly in the social sphere.

Author Biographies

Dina FEDOROVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Yulia KUZMENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

FEDOROVA Д. and KUZMENKO Ю. 2015. Biological value of fish & plant semifinished products based on Azov goby. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 20, 2 (Dec. 2015), 85–97.




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