Kinetics of drying process and quality of fishery semi-products



Azov goby, raw and blanched minced fish products, dried fish and fish and plant semi-products, amino acid composition, biological value, microstructure, bone fractions.


Background. The task of rational use of domestic raw small fish such as Azov goby requires the development of technologies to increase the degree of its use by involving manufacturing food waste, including skin and bones. It is reasonable to process completely Azov goby for dry fish and plant semi-products that can be used in a wide range of technologies: culinary products, bakery products, snack products, concentrates, breakfast cereals, dried molded products for special purposes. The dehydration process of fish and plant semi-products is one of the important steps that characterize the quality of the finished product and economic efficiency of its production.
The aim of the study is a research of the impact of technological factors on the kinetics of drying and quality characteristics of fish and plant semi-products, including their microstructure and biological value of proteins.
Material and methods. The impact of pre-processing steam treatment of complex shredded muscle, connective tissue and bone fish raw material from Azov goby and the use of wheat bran on kinetics of convective drying by models of fish and fish and plant shredded products, sensory properties and microstructure of dry semi-products, the extent of their crushing and fractional composition of bone particles have been determined by generally known and standard methods. Amino acid composition has been determined by ion-exchange liquid- column with automatic amino acids analyzer chromatography T-339 ("Mikrotehna", Czech Republic).
Results. Experimental researches have determined that pre-processing steam treatment of fish raw materials speeds up convective drying of model minced fish on average by 25 %. Using wheat bran somewhat slows drying process of all samples of fish and plant minced products.
It has been established that the proportion of the largest bone particles - from 241 to 500 microns in powder from raw fish is no more than 0.97 %, and in the powder from blanched fish – no more than 1.33 %, which meets the requirements of safety. The presence of such particles in fish powders is safe because they are soluble in 0.037 M HCl solution that is similar to the concentration of HCl in the digestive juices of the stomach rights. Experimental researches have determined that the quantitative composition of amino acids dried minced of raw complex tissues of Azov goby is significantly inferior to blanched minced. This is due to more intense process of enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins in native minced fish drying and formation of complicated melanoidin complexes.
Conclusion. Experimental researches have determined the feasibility of pre-processing steam treatment of fish raw material before drying, to form the best organoleptic qualities, providing a higher level of safety of their amino acid composition and improving the safety of dry semi-products from tissues complex of Azov goby.

Author Biographies

Dina FEDOROVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Roman ROMANENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

FEDOROVA Д. and ROMANENKO Р. 2016. Kinetics of drying process and quality of fishery semi-products. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 22, 2 (Dec. 2016), 158–178.




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