The quality of gluten-free sourdough bread with starter culture LV–1




whole-grain sorghum, rice flour, sourdough, rheological properties, effective viscosity, quality indicators, acidity, gluten-free bread.


Development of a technology adapted to local conditions and promotion to the domestic market of CL gluten-free sourdough bread with improved organoleptic characteristics and high nutritional value in the context of the state policy on improving food security of Ukraine, resource saving, increasing high-quality products of domestic production based on locally produced grain crops, in particular from sorghum grains, is an urgent and timely task. The purpose of the article is to establish the influence of rice sourdough with starter culture LV-1 on the rheological and technological properties of the quality of gluten-free dough based on whole grain sorghum flour, the parameters of the technological process and the quality of the finished bread. The subjects of the study are whole-grain rice flour, sorghum LLC "Cascade", rice sourdough using starter culture LV-1 Livendo™, model compo­sitions of dough and gluten-free bread using rice sourdough. The titrated acidity of sourdough and dough samples, mass fraction of moisture, gas formation during fermentation and gas retention, specific volume and porosity of bread, fragility and moisture absorption capacity of bread crumb were determined according to generally accepted methods. It has been experi­mentally confirmed that the use of 30–40% of rice sourdough to the mass of the flour mixture, prepared using the starter culture LV-1, significantly improves the rheological and physicochemical parameters of gluten-free dough based on whole grain sorghum flour. The strength of the investigated model dough systems using 30% of rice sourdough increases to 249.8 Pa, which is 2.1 times higher than the corresponding values for the dough without sourdough. The addition of rice sourdough intensifies acid accumulation, release of CO2 and gas-holding capacity of sorghum dough and ensures the formation of the necessary rheological characteristics. At the same time, the amount of released CO2 and the gas-holding capacity of the dough increase with an increase in the dosage of rice sourdough, and in dough samples using 30% of sourdough, they reach the maximum values, which is consistent with the results of rheological studies. The use of sourdough made it possible to increase the specific volume of experimental bread samples by 14.4–46.2%, their acidity by 0.4–1.4 degrees, and porosity by 10.6–31.9% compared to the control (bread without sourdough). Bread with the use of 30–40% rice sourdough acquires a more developed porosity and specific volume, a brightly expressed acid-alcohol taste and a bread aroma, approaching traditional bread based on first-grade wheat flour. It has been proven that the use of 30–40% rice sourdough with starter culture LV-1 1 for the production of gluten-free bread contributes to the improvement of rheological and technological indicators of the quality of semi-finished products and bread based on sorghum flour, which makes it possible to obtain affordable domestic gluten-free CL bread with improved organoleptic characteristics.

Author Biographies

Dina FEDOROVA, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Science (Food Technology), Professor, Head at the Department of Restaurant and Craft (Food) Technologies

Vita LANSKA, State University of Trade and Economics

Master, Postgraduate Student at the Department of Restaurant and Craft (Food) Technologies


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How to Cite

FEDOROVA Д. and LANSKA В. 2024. The quality of gluten-free sourdough bread with starter culture LV–1. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 51, 3 (Sep. 2024), 116–132. DOI:




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