Formation of quality of fish preserves from small herring fish



fish preserves, consumer properties, small herring fish, plant raw material, penetration


Background. Actual problem on the market of fishery products is quality and safety of fish preserves formed depending on the quality of raw materials and other recipe components. The assortment of fish preserves made from domestic raw materials and natural preservatives on the Ukrainian market is very limited. In the Azov-Black Sea and Dnieper basins there is a high level of whitebait stocks that is not used enough for the production of fish preserves. Whitebait is characterized by rich chemical composition and requires complex zero waste processing.
The aim of the research is scientific substantiation of quality formation and stabilization of consumer properties of fish preserves based on small herring fish with added plant raw materials without using artificial food additives.
Material and methods. Research object is fish preserves with added plant raw materials, the main ingredient of which is whitebait of the Azov-Black Sea and Dnieper basin. Functional plant supplement is sea-buckthorn (Нippophae rhamnoides L.) and cranberries (Vaccinium oxycoccos L.).
Results. According to the results of the organoleptic, physical and chemical, structural and mechanical research, samples of fish preserves with added plant raw materials differed advantageously from control. The sample "Cranberries + buckthorn" is considered to be the best, which can be explained by the complex effect of buckthorn and cranberries. Optimized storage period of fish preserves is defined to be 10 days.
Conclusion. Fish preserves from small herring fish and plant raw material with a high content of carotene and sorbic acid are characterized by stable consumer properties during 10 days storage period.

Author Biographies

Mycola POBEDASH, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student

Olena SYDORENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Roman ROMANENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

POBEDASH М., SYDORENKO О. and ROMANENKO Р. 2015. Formation of quality of fish preserves from small herring fish. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 19, 1 (Jun. 2015), 112–120.




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