Express-method of determination of the friction coefficient at different temperatures



friction coefficients, universal measuring equipment, visualised power models, friction resistance of a surface


Background. One of the measures that determines the technological parameters of production, portioning and packaging of food products is friction. Significant disadvantages of industrial equipment that is used for friction coefficient determination is specialization and the inability to determine its temperature dependence.
Material and methods. As approval objects of developed methods rennet cheese samples of trademarks "Dobryana" and "Cheese Club" and cheese product "Taurian" by TM "Molis" have been selected. Determination of friction coefficients was carried out by the eight values of temperature (–5 to +45 оC).
Results. Using software visualization tools virtual model there have been created and defined the main directions of the vectors of forces acting on the sample during movement. Schematic diagram of the installation to determine the temperature dependence of the coefficient of friction was developed.
The dependence of the friction coefficient in cheese samples TM " Cheese Club" and " Dobryana " on temperature, means lower thermal stability of the physical properties of the last sample surface. The emergence of significant adhesion (μ > 1) between the sample and the surface of cheese TM " Cheese Club " was held at a temperature of 31.8 оC, of cheese TM " Dobryana " at a temperature of 40.4 оC. Dependence of friction coefficient on temperature in the cheese product "Taurian" was different from a similar dependence of other cheese samples that indicates different thermal and rheological properties of these products during the heating.
Conclusion. Developed method allows to determine friction coefficients of solid foods at temperatures from –5 to 45 оC. Perspective area of theoretical research is to determine the dependence of thermophysical properties of solid foods on their chemical composition and storage time.

Author Biography

Roman ROMANENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

ROMANENKO Р. (2013). Express-method of determination of the friction coefficient at different temperatures. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 16(2), 65–72. etrieved from




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