Optimization of quality indicatorsof natural skins and their tanning parameters using montmorillonite



quality indices, parameters, optimization, modeling, dispersion of montmorillonite, tanning


Background. In order to increase the level of safety of natural skins, resource-saving technologies are introduced with partial or complete replacement of chromic compounds, more alternative and environmental substances. A promising direction for improving chrome tanning is the use of modified dispersions of montmorillonite. During the treatment of the leg with a mineral, chemical and physical-chemical interaction between the functional groups of collagen and montmorillonite occurs. This is confirmed by the formation of hydrogen and coordination bonds of protein groups and active groups of modifiers. At the same time, the issue of determining the rational parameters of the tanning process remains unresolved in order to achieve optimal quality indices of the resulting skin.
The aim of the studyis to optimize the quality of natural leather and to study the parameters of their tanning process using modified montmorillonite.
Material and methods. For optimization, a central composite rotational plan (CCRP) was used, and the search for an optimal tiling process was carried out using the Harrington generalized optimization criterion obtained on the basis of partial desirability functions.
The object of the study is the optimal performance of natural leather, taking into account the rational parameters of the tanning process using montmorillonite.
Results. The use of the multi-criteria optimization method made it possibleto determine the rational parameters of the tanning process of the semi-finished product: the consumption of chromium tuning agent 1.0–1.25 % Cr2O3 from the mass of the gill, and for modifying the mineral, 9.55–10.0 % Cr2O3 from the mass of montmorillonite; consumption of montmorillonite – 2.8–3.1 % of the mass of the leg. In this case, the optimum values of quality indices of finished leather are: 71.33 % – the degree of absorption of chromium compounds; 106.1 ºC –welding temperature; 1.98 сН –hardness of the skin.
Conclusion. According to the results of multicriteria optimization of the conducted researches, the indicators of quality of natural skins and rational parameters of their tanning with the use of montmorillonite have been optimized.

Author Biographies

Maryna ZHALDAK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs

Olena MOKROUSOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs

Nina MEREZHKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor, Head of the Department of Commodity Science
and Customs


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How to Cite

ZHALDAK М., MOKROUSOVA О. and MEREZHKO Н. 2018. Optimization of quality indicatorsof natural skins and their tanning parameters using montmorillonite. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 28, 4 (Dec. 2018), 75–84.




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