Elements of forming quality and safety of children's shoes



children's shoes, stages of manufacturing shoes, properties, requirements, shoe materials, quality of shoes, safety of children's shoes, shoe parts, methods of attachment


Background. Formation of quality and safety of children's shoes is ensured by the choice of shoe materials and compliance with technological regimes of shoe production, contributing to the competitiveness of domestic products.
The aim of the article is to study the components of forming quality and safety of children's shoes for a targeted selection of shoe materials and improvement process.
Material and methods. During the study the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, analytical, comparison and synthesis. Scientific works of scientists and leading specialists in leather industry served as a theoretical basis of the research [1–9].
The objects of research are structure and properties of materials and stages of technological process of making children's shoes.
Results. Components that directly shape the quality and safety of children’s footwear include quality and safety of primary and secondary shoe materials and techno­logical process.
According to the stages of manufacture of such products the following factors play a major role: proper selection of materials, cutting parts and assembly and forming the top timber, attaching the top and bottom of shoes.
Today in Ukraine different materials are used for the manufacture of children's shoes– textiles and combined leather, but natural materials are preferred.
A promising direction is the development and implementation of resource and energy saving technologies in the leather industry by using natural high dispersion minerals (such as montmorillonites) for liquid coating and finishing of leather that provide high level of hygiene and durability properties.
Conclusion. According to the study results it can be concluded that the quality of children's shoes is directly affected by the quality and safety of shoe materials, processes of design, modeling and technological ones. Thus, further studies may be aimed at identifying the factors forming quality and safety of genuine leather as the most promising material for footware.

Author Biography

Marina ZHALDAK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

ZHALDAK М. (2017). Elements of forming quality and safety of children’s shoes. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 23(1), 58–68. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/commodities-and-markets/article/view/1102

