Consumer value of freshwater fish jellies




consumer value, jellied fish products, plant supplements, seaweed, biological value, lipids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals


Background. In order to form a balanced diet that ensures harmonious deve­lopment of human, prevention of various diseases, especially in conditions of coronavirus infection COVID-19 the recipes for jellied products based on freshwater fish with the addition of plant additives (cranberries, parsley roots, carrots, beets, fresh green and onions, spicy-flavored vegetables (green dill, parsley) and seaweed were developed.
The aim of the work is to study the consumer value of jellied fish products with herbal supplements.
Materials and methods. The object of research is freshwater fish jellies with the addition of plant additives and seaweed. Jellied fish without vegetable additives was selected as a control sample.
The content of moisture, ash, fat, protein, amino acid composition of proteins, fatty acid composition of lipids, mineral composition; the content of vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, carotenoids, tocopherols) was studied by conventional methods. Repea­tability of experiments – five times, the relative error did not exceed 5 %.
Results. Studies of the chemical composition show that the control sample, in contrast to the studied ones, contains more fat and protein, which is explained by the lack of vegetable raw materials according to the recipe. However, the addition of vegetable raw materials to the latter increases the mineral content by 15–31 %.
The content of essential amino acids in the control is 45 % of the total content, and in the test samples – 46 %. The dominant amino acid in the samples is lysine, and the limited ones are valine and isoleucine. The utilitarian coefficient of the amino acid composition of the studied samples (0.61–0.63) indicates a high balance of amino acids relative to the standard. The low coefficient of redundancy (0.21–0.23) and the high coefficient of utilitarianism indicate the maximum degree of assimilation of proteins of jellied fish products by the human body.
The content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the filling products was 26 %. The ratio of PUFA: SFA, C18:2: C18:1 and C18:2: C18:3 is established as rational in jellied fish. The value of the absorption coefficient for the studied samples of jellied products with beets, onions and control is 0.80, and carrots and cranberries – 0.79.
The content of thiamine in jellied fish with carrots, onions, beets is 2 times higher than in the control, the content of niacin – 1.2 times, vitamin E – 1.7–1.2 times. The highest content of carotenoids is found in jellied fish with carrots and onions.
An increase in the level of Potassium, Calcium, Bromine, Iodine, Iron, Selenium in the experimental filling products compared with the control was determined: Potassium by 45 %,Selenium 5.5–8.0 times, Manganese 1.6 times.
Conclusion. The enrichment of fish products with plant components contributes to the expansion of the range of products of high nutritional and biological value with a high degree of satisfaction of the physiological needs of the human body with biolo­gically active substances. Accordingly, the consumption of jellied fish products allows to improve the functional state of the most important systems of the human body, preven­tion of food-dependent diseases, various forms of immunodeficiency, especially in condi­tions of coronavirus infection COVID-19.

Author Biographies

Raisa DONCHEVSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor 
at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management

Olena SYDORENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor 
at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management


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How to Cite

DONCHEVSKA Р. ., & SYDORENKO О. . (2020). Consumer value of freshwater fish jellies. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 36(4), 121–131.

