Auction trade in cultural values




commodity assessment, market, cost forecasting, protocol, evaluation criteria


Introduction. It is well known that the price at which cultural values are sold depends on a combination of factors related to the conditions and organization of the bidding process. In most cases, the cost of cultural values is transcen­dental in relation to the value of the materials from which they were created, so the cost pre­diction is based on a complex of "relational pro­perties".

Problem. The necessity for further auto­mation of the processing of initial information about the state of cultural property markets, which is important for obtaining a reliable expert assessment.

Methods. To analyze the market of cultural values, the author’s method of collecting and processing auction and exchange information was used, where the subject of study was the initial and final indicators of value.

Results. The results of empirical obser­vations of the peculiarities and strategies of the work of a number of auctions and exchanges are summarized, which made it possible to distin­guish three main stages of the formation of value indicators of cultural values. The first stage is characterized by the fact that the product beco­mes especially attractive to the buyer due to relatively low-price indicators – speculative in­dicators (the stage of speculative trade), which allow it to be resold quickly and profitably. The second stage of the formation of value indicators corresponds to the qualitative characteristics inherent in the object of sale; there is a high autocorrelation between the quality indicators of the product and its value recorded in the trading process. Quality indicators at this stage play the role of the main motivations for the formation of the final price indicator. The third stage descry­bes the situation of hyped demand, which occurs at the final stage of bidding, when all arguments regarding the qualitative characteristics of cultu­ral values have already been exhausted and the further increase in value depends only on the emotional state and financial capabilities of po­tential buyers.

Conclusions. Changes in the cost indicators for cultural values during the bidding period take place in three stages – speculative, argument­tative and emotional, each of which is caused by fundamentally different motives of sellers and potential buyers and is also the result of their interaction.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr INDUTNYI, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs

Nina MEREZHKO, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs

Volodymyr KOMAKHA, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs


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