Technology of sherbet with high content of Iodine and Selenium




frozen desserts, sherbet, Cystoseira, trace elements


Background. Today it is known that the use of artificial compounds of iodine does not provide the human body with this important micronutrient, as there is a difference in the metabolism of organic and inorganic iodine. That is why attention should be paid to those substances that contain iodine in a bioavailable form for the human body, in particular to the seaweeds.
The aimof the work is to substantiate the rational amount of Cystoseirapowder and to improve the technology of frozen fruit and herb sherbets with high content of Iodine and Selenium.
Materials and methods. The research object is to improve the technology of frozen sherbets with the use of Cystoseira according to (TU 21663408.001–2006). The herbal sherbet, the Emerald piece of ice (with the addition of lemon balm, peppermint, Anethumgraveolens) and blackberry sherbet, the Icy extravaganza (with the addition of berries of blackberry) were worked out. The sherbets, made by traditional technology "Sherbet from herbs" and "Blackberry" are selected as control samples.
Options for the quantitative application of Cystoseira to desserts: a blackberry sherbet – 0.5; 0.7; 0.9 % by weight of sherbet; an herbal sherbet –0.8; 1.0; 1.2 % accordingly.
The scale of 5-pointl estimation of finished sherbets is worked out taking into account the coefficients of ponderability of individual indexes.
The mineral content is determined by the atomic absorption method on the Techtron-AA-4 spectrophotometer (Austria), Iodine – by the inversion voltammetry method (AVA-3 device, Russia). The repeatability of experiments is fivefold.
Results. The technological process of sherbets production consists of preparation of raw materials, beating (to obtain a homogeneous consistency) and freezing. In order to distribute the additives evenly it was applied at the end of beating. Further studies were aimed to determine the taste and aroma of sherbets taking into account the descriptors we have worked out: the herbaceous, mint taste should be expressed for a sherbet the Emerald piece of ice, and the berry (blackberry) taste for a sherbet the Icy extravaganza
For equation systems,the rational amount of additive is established: for a black­berry sherbet –0.7 %, for an herbal one –1 % per 100 g of dessert. The technology of production of these frozen desserts with the use of Cystoseira has been improved.
The biological value of frozen sherbets, herbal and blackberry with the use of Cystoseira, increased by 88.3 % and 2.7 times for Calcium, by 22.7 and 20.2 % for Potassium, by 34.6 and 27.6 % for Magnesium, by 90.0 and 27.5 % for Iron, 95 and 96 times for Iodine and 47 and 56 times accordingly for Selenium.
When using Cystoseira powder for the manufacture of frozen sherbet it is succeeded to increase the provision of human daily needs for all investigated mineral substances: to a small extent for Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus; 1.3–1.9 times for Calcium and Iron; 90.4–91.4 times in Iodine and 47.9 and 56.4 times for Selenium as compared to control samples.
Conclusion. The possibility of using Cystoseira powder for advanced sherbet technology has been proved.
The rational amount of the additive in the compounding of worked out fruit and herb sherbets is determined and their mineral composition is investigated.
The worked out frozen desserts (the herbal sherbet, the Emerald piece of ice and blackberry one, the Icy extravaganza) contain an increased amount of Iodine and Selenium and satisfy human daily need in Iodine by 63.3 and 64.0 %, and in Selenium – by 67.1 and 64.3 % accordingly, that makes it possible to recommend them in nutrition to prevent deficiency of these elements. Because the proposed compounding contains an alcoholic beverage, developed sherbet can only be offered to adults, except for pregnant women.

Author Biographies

Irina ANTONYUK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the  Department of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business

Anzhelika MEDVEDIEVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the  Department of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business


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How to Cite

ANTONYUK І. and MEDVEDIEVA А. 2020. Technology of sherbet with high content of Iodine and Selenium. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 33, 1 (Feb. 2020), 85–98. DOI:




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