Innovative personnel training infrastructure for foreign trade: adaptation of European experience




innovative infrastructure, higher educational institution, transformation of higher education, European integration.


The global trend towards educational innovation determines the necessity of researching the innova­tive component of the process of integrating Ukraine’s higher education into the EU. Therefore, the study of European practices and their potential imple­men­tation into the national higher education system is currently highly relevant. Consequently, the aim of this article is to identify the prospective directions for transforming Ukraine’s higher education in the context of integration into the European Higher Education Area. The research was conducted using methods of generalization, analysis and synthesis, comparison, scientific abstraction, and systemati­zation. It has been determined that Ukraine’s higher education, as a key provider of innovative products, is currently at a point of bifurcation and requires a clear transformation plan to achieve leadership positions within the European Higher Education Area. As part of the implementation of the inno­vative component of higher education transforma­tion, a complex of prospective directions has been proposed, namely: stimulating innovative teaching methods, fostering research activities, implementing information society technologies, developing interna­tional cooperation, and promoting entrepreneurial education. The formation of an effective and modern innovative infrastructure of higher education institu­tions will allow for the systematization and automation of these transformational processes. It has been established that the reform of education in Ukraine, although ongoing, is still not systematic. Most innovations lack sufficient resources or are implemented with the aim of catching up to European counterparts. A proactive rather than reactive type of bifurcation development in education based on the establishment of an innovative infrastructure will be a guarantee of Ukraine’s successful integration into the European educational environment. The proposed directions for transforming higher education in the article will contribute to accelerating the development of the educational sphere, which, in turn, will improve the country's innovative potential.

Author Biographies

Serhii BAI, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Head of the Management Department

Oleh KALINICHENKO, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD student of the Management Department


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How to Cite

BAI С. and KALINICHENKO О. 2023. Innovative personnel training infrastructure for foreign trade: adaptation of European experience. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 128, 3 (Jun. 2023), 92–106. DOI:

