Requirements for submission of manuscript
The journal accepts manuscripts of scientific works that have never been published before and are not intended for simultaneous publication in other editions. The article must be written in Ukrainian or English, carefully read by the author(s), correspond to the thematic direction of the journal and contain all structural elements, abstract, keywords, JEL. The volume of the manuscript is 15,000–25,000 characters, including figures and tables. The number of authors allowed is not more than three.
The title of the article, given in Ukrainian and English, should fully reflect the topic of the research and its content, be as concise as possible (up to 9 words) and specific, formulated in a scientific style. Its purpose is to attract the attention of the reader whose scientific interests are common or tangential. Abbreviations are not recommended. The exception is well-known and widespread abbreviations.
The abstract should contain a brief summary of the content of the manuscript (250 words) in Ukrainian and English, where the following is clearly stated:
- relevance of the research presented in the article;
- the hypothesis which is the basis of it;
- the methodology of its verification and the obtained results.
The text of the abstract must be complete and logical, its structuring into subsections and repetition of sentences from the text of the article are not allowed.
Keywords are provided in Ukrainian and English (up to 6 words or phrases).
JEL Classification Codes – provide up to 5 standard JEL codes.
The introduction of the article requires:
— reveal the prerequisites and relevance of the conducted research, define the problem to be solved;
— to analyze the latest studies and publications in which the solution to this problem was initiated and which the author considers, to highlight previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted. The review should not be limited to works published in the country where the author lives and works - the problem should be studied globally. It is necessary to cite only those sources that are really valuable for the author's research, analyze the contribution of each scientist to the solution of the researched problem, make a reference to each source with a mandatory indication of it in the list of used sources; at the author's request and in the case when the review of scientific literature is large in scope, and its analysis/systematization, etc. is one of the main results of the research presented in the article, it can be placed in a separate substantive section of the main part of the article;
— to outline the purpose of the article and, if necessary, a list of tasks to ensure its implementation;
— to determine the hypothesis that is the basis of the research presented in the article, the methodology of its verification. Indicate what served as the information base of the study, how the relevant information was processed, what are the limitations of the study, describe the step-by-step algorithm for testing the stated hypothesis and its correction (if necessary). Simple enumeration of research methods or references to methods not used in the work are not allowed;
— describe the content structure of the main part of the article, divided into subsections, where the results of the conducted scientific research are consistently and reasonably disclosed. The description of each structural element should be concise.
The text of the introduction should be coherent and logical. It is not recommended to divide it into subdivisions.
The main part of the article should be divided into meaningful sections. Each such section, which is numbered consecutively, starting from the first, has a title that reflects the content of the material presented in it and is a logical continuation of the previous sections of the article. The logic of the structuring of the article and presentation of the material should correspond to the research methodology stated in the introduction. Separate sections of the main part of the article can (if necessary) be divided into subsections.
Conclusions are given at the end of the article in a separate section and are not numbered. They should summarize the results of the research, while clearly correlating with the purpose of the article and tasks (if defined), illustrating their achievements. In the conclusions, it is necessary to indicate whether the scientific hypothesis underlying the research was confirmed or refuted. If additional unplanned results are obtained during the study, this should be noted. It is also necessary to clearly formulate the scientific novelty and the contribution of the research carried out by the author(s) to the solution of an important scientific or practical problem, to determine the practical value of the obtained results, to outline the prospects for further research in this direction.
The list of used sources, which is placed at the end of the article, is drawn up according to the International Bibliographic Standard APA-7.
References to used sources are given in the original language. If the original language is different from English, the English translation of the source name should be given in parentheses. At the same time, proper names (surname and first name of the author, name of the publishing house, etc.) are transliterated in Latin. The sources used in the list are not repeated: it may be another section of the work, but in this case, it is only necessary to add links to other pages of the already given source, without changing the name of the source itself. References to unpublished works are not allowed.
In-text links to sources from the list.
All primary sources must be referenced in the text of the article (in parentheses) each time you quote or paraphrase from a source. References in the text should contain information about: the author of the work (editor/compiler/name of the cited source, if the author is not available), what is cited, the year of publication and the page interval (numbers of the pages from which the citation is given). Page interval may be omitted if you are not quoting but expressing an idea or referring to the work as a whole.
The following documents are submitted together with the article:
1. Author's reference
2. Consent to the processing of personal data (pdf format), the completed and scanned version should be sent to
Manuscripts that do not comply with these requirements are not considered.
The electronic version of the manuscript is submitted by e-mail: