Ukraine’s cooperation with the EU in the field of preventing and countering corruption
corruption, anti-corruption legislation, EU support programs, European anti-corruption policy.Abstract
Introduction. In the context of victory in the war with russia and the subsequent economic recovery and development of Ukraine, the issue of overcoming corruption in the country becomes extremely important.
Problem. As the practice of war shows, corruption has a negative impact on the condition of the state’s defense capabilities, as it primarily prevents the effective and rational use of available financial resources to support the Ukrainian military.
The aim of the article is to describe Ukraine’s cooperation with the EU in the field of preventing and countering corruption, in particular the directions of EU support for anti-corruption activities, joint anti-corruption programs and the state of implementation of the European experience of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine.
Methods. Methods of structural-logical and system-functional analysis; methods of abstraction and generalization; analogies and comparisons; recommendatory method are applied.
Results. The areas of EU support in the field of anti-corruption, the development and implementation of joint programs in this field have been analyzed. EU programs and projects in the field of anti-corruption activities are systematized with an analysis of their effectiveness. The state of implementation of provisions, principles and standards of international legislation in the field of anti-corruption in Ukraine has been studied.
Conclusions. The study of the implementation of the European experience of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine will contribute to the achievement of significant progress in the prevention and counteraction of corruption in the process of post-war recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine. As a result of the analysis of the cooperation and experience of European countries, measures are proposed, the implementation of which will lead to a more effective fight against corruption and accelerate the further movement of Ukraine in the direction of membership in the European Union, the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
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