Kinetic theory of the foods quality modeling and products’ shelf life determination


  • O. KOVAL Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • V. GUTS Kyiv National University of Food Technology


A new theory of the food products quality modeling during storage has been offered. The model has been developed on the bases of differential equations of the second order, which describe kinetic accumulated substances (including harmful ones) and structural and mechanical change. The model takes into account initial condition of the product, speed of processes and influence of different factors during storage. There have been presented the ways of the model’s simplifying and the possibilities of its practical use.

Author Biographies

O. KOVAL, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

V. GUTS, Kyiv National University of Food Technology

doctor of technical sciences, professor


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How to Cite

KOVAL О. and GUTS В. 2009. Kinetic theory of the foods quality modeling and products’ shelf life determination. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 6, 2 (Jan. 2009), 67–74.

