Safety and quality of sorghum-based beverages
sugar sorghum juice, wort, microorganisms, juice soft drink, safe intermediate productAbstract
Introduction. Nowadays, the conditions for the existence of food enterprises are determined by the presence of an effective safety and quality management system. According to the principles of HACCP, the analysis of dangerous factors must be carried out both for raw materials and semi-finished products, in order to identify possible risks of obtaining non-compliant products.
Problem. The use of sugar sorghum juice (SSJ) in the production of soft beverages as the basis of the product formulation will allow you to obtain a high-quality juice drink enriched with biologically active substances.
The aim of the article is to analyze the safety and quality of wort based on SSJ as a semi-product, to establish the parameters of its pasteurization to obtain safe and high-quality drinks.
Methods. Sugar sorghum of the Favorite variety was used as the research object.
Commonly accepted and standardized research methods were used to determine the physico-chemical and microbiological indicators of the wort based on SSJ and the finished drink.
Results. It has been established that the microbiota of SSJ and wort based on it is mainly represented by mesophilic aerobic and facultatively anaerobic microorganisms, spore-forming bacteria and yeast. At the same time, the juice, wort and finished drink do not contain bacteria of the coliform group (coliforms) and opportunistic microorganisms, in particular coagulase-positive staphylococci. To ensure compliance of wort and the finished soft drink based on it with hygienic requirements regarding the content of microorganisms and preservation of important biologically active substances of derived raw materials in the product, the mode of pasteurization of wort was established: temperature 78 ± 2.0 °С, duration 15–20 min.
Conclusions. The resulting wort based on SSJ can be recommended as a safe intermediate product for the production of both juice and fermented soft drinks.
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