Customer value of quick-frozen blended juices with pulp



customer value, quick-frozen juices with pulp, soluble dry substances, total sugar, glucose, fructose, sucrose, titrated acidity, sugar-acid index, pectin, betalayin pigments


Background. The share of directly squeezed juice in total structure of Europe consumption accounts 17 %, in Ukraine this share barely reaches 1 % [3]. The aim of the article is to study customer value of quick-frozen juices with pulp.
Material and methods. Quick-frozen juice with pulp, which is obtained from Amal melon, Khersonskyi watermelon, Golden Delicious apples, Canada carrots, Giant celery and Bordeaux beet is an object of the research. To stabilize the color and consistency of juice reasonable amount of xanthan gum, white sugar, ascorbic acid, depending on the type of juice added [4]. Juice with no additives was control variant.
In the studied (D) and control (C) versions juice soluble solids content (SS) was defined by refractometric method in YRF-454 B2M [5, p. 2–3]; total sugar and sucrose – photocolorimetric method for CPK 3-01 [6, p. 8–11]; total acidity in terms of malic acid – titration [8, p. 5–6]. Glucose and fructose were defined by spectrophotometric method at 210 Specord [7, p. 15–16], protopectin and soluble pectin [9, p. 179–180] betalain pigments – betanin and betaine [9, p. 124, 126–128]. All figures are defined in freshly made juices, frozen (24 h) and within 12 months. Storage at minus 20 ± 2 °C at intervals of 3 months.
Results. It was established, that during freezing the amount of soluble dry substances is reducing in the experimental and control variants of juice. Changes during 12 months storage compared with juice samples are insignificant.
Test specimens of juice compared with the control ones are characterized with higher content of sugars, including sucrose, which is due to addition of white sugar to the juices. Revealed slight decrease of sugar content and increase of acids’ mass fraction may be due to enzymatic degradation of sugars and reduction of sugar-acid index.
Stable content of protopectin and soluble pectin is typical for quick-frozen juices. Slight decrease of betaine and betanin content during freezing was found.
Conclusion. Results of the study of test samples of quick-frozen juices with pulp chemical compositions confirm its high consumer properties.

Author Biographies

Olexandr DYAKOV, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Svitlana BELINSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

DYAKOV О., & BELINSKA С. (2014). Customer value of quick-frozen blended juices with pulp. "INTERNATIONAL·SCIENTIFIC-·PRACTICAL·JOURNAL·COMMODITIES·AND·MARKETS", 18(2), 95–105. etrieved from

