Effect of elamin and stevioside on water in whipped eggs


  • Galyna DYKAREVA Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
  • Oleksandr DYAKOV Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
  • Anna GASANOVA Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade


biscuit, water mobility, elamin, stevioside, whipped egg mass, nuclear magnetic resonance


Background. Daily consumption of population regularly comprises confectionery, including the products made of biscuit dough. However, all those dishes contain a great amount of sucrose which when over consumed may cause diabetes which may lead to early disability.
Iodine deficiency also triggers a wide range of disorders. An adequate and balanced diet is based on the sufficient intake of macro- as well as micronutrients. Therefore, any food should contain vital substances. We offered to enrich biscuits with iodine using concentrate of seaweeds – elamin and to substitute part of sugar into natural sweetener – stevioside.
Material and methods. Object of the stud – samples of the whipped egg mass with elamin, stevioside and mix of elamin and stevioside with the concentration of supplements 0.3; 1.0; 1.5; 4.0 % to egg mass; control sample – whipped egg mass without supplements.
The study of influence of supplements on water mobility in whipped egg mass has been conducted with the help of nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer. The dependence of spin-spin relaxation time on concentration of added supplements and their mutual influence has been determined by Chan method. Two impulses with interval of  are sent to a sample. After their affect at the moment 2τі spin echo is observed, which amplitude is calculated after the formula:
, (1)
where – interval between impulses;
Т2 – time of spin-spin relaxatin;
А0 – maximum signal of spin echo, that is determined by amount of resonating nucleaus and equals to echo signal after  = 0.
Results. The experiment proves that a significant part of water in the whipped egg mass tends to mix with high concentrations elamin. Moreover, adding of stevioside has shown that the natural sweetener doesn’t affect water mobility in the whipped egg mass.
Conclusion. A tendency for mixing observed in the whipped egg mass with elamin confirms its possible use as a foam stabilizer in the production of biscuits. Furthermore, the fact that stevioside doesn’t influence water mobility indicates the prospects of its use in the production of biscuits without the risk of changing the modes of production.

Author Biographies

Galyna DYKAREVA, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Oleksandr DYAKOV, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

candidate of technical sciences, professor

Anna GASANOVA, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade



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How to Cite

DYKAREVA Г., DYAKOV О. and GASANOVA А. 2013. Effect of elamin and stevioside on water in whipped eggs. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 15, 1 (May 2013), 117–125.

