REM-Photogrammetry in rapid diagnosis of the thermo physical properties of the products



REM-photogrammetry, digital images, temperature gradients in the pictures, geometric properties of digital remote capture surfaces, thermal model


Background. To attract new methods of the rapid diagnosis of thermo physical properties of food products it was offered to apply the methods of digital stereo photogrammetry, which results of functioning can be determined to the remote method by using a scanning electron microscope.
Material and methods. The basis of scientific researches was the creation of modern structural graphic model of the streophotoimage of the micro surface with defining the gradient and the determination of its minimum and maximum temperatures. The mathematical apparatus for the analysis of the stereo pair in researching of some physical features and their approbation in the food industry was worked out.
Results. Certain aspects of techniques of the stereo photogrammetric thermo physical shooting surfaces were offered. Argumentation of methods of the graphical and mathematical model for rapid diagnostic of the surfaces with the analytical techniques by defining the centers of maximum and minimum temperature gradient scale etc. were provided. Technological chain of the three-dimensional model of the thermo physical and gradient features in the modules and programmes of the automatic determination of the surface thermo physical properties were analyzed.
Conclusion. The technology of modeling thermal properties of the food sample was analyzed using digital photogrammetric methods that solves scientific research problems in rapid diagnosis of thermal properties for their micro surfaces by creating their three-dimensional models. Software system, that integrates a specially designed software PA-3DM of the licensed digital photogrammetric system Z-Space 1.2 was analyzed. At present we are working actively on the creation of the complex scientific collections (atlases) of the thermal properties in 4D coordinates.

Author Biographies

Svitlana SHAPOVAL, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Roman SHEVCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

SHAPOVAL С., & SHEVCHENKO Р. (2014). REM-Photogrammetry in rapid diagnosis of the thermo physical properties of the products. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 18(2), 36–45. etrieved from




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