Properties of sugar paste surface



sugar paste, milk whey, dry and demineralized, adhesion, cohesion, tackiness


Background. In the production of food products, surface properties are most often manifested during the adhesion-coagulation interaction of products with the surface of material of a device or machine, which affects energy consumption in the production of food products and their quality. In addition, stickiness in some cases may be an objective indicator of the quality of the product. Insufficient stickiness can affect the process of mixing, stamping, forming of products, which is important for the production of sugar paste and the manufacture of finishing semi-finished products from them. The adhesion of sugar paste is made by means of using traditional technology which has not been studied at all. In order to develop new types of sugar paste, it is necessary to examine the specified characteristic.
The aim of the workis to determine the rational concentration of milk whey in a dry, demineralized sugar paste based on the study of their surface properties in terms of contact time and adhesion strength.
Material and methods. Investigation of properties of sugar paste surface using MCSD and determination of its influence on adhesion-coaghesial interactions of decorating semi-finished products on controlled and investigated samples was carried out on a dynamometer MIG-1.3 by using the method of normal separation.
Results. The influence of the concentration of MCSD in the composition of sugar paste on the strength of adhesion was investigated. For further research, the range with the content of MCSD is chosen 20–50 %, as the increase in the proportion of MCSD adhesion increases indexes of the durability of sugar beet adhesion with MCSD from the time of weathering 2–90 s with contact time of 5 s has made it possible to establish that as abnormal. It has been established that with increasing concentration of MCSD and contact time, the adhesion strength does not increase directly in proportion to the temperature. With the time of contact 2–20 with the strength of adhesion rapidly increases, then with increasing contact time from 25 to 90 s, regardless of the concentration of MCSD, the adhesion strength is stable. Investigation of the dependence of the induration of MCSD increases, the time of working with the paste increases, which is a positive phenomenon, especially for the creation of finishing half-finished products by hand. The strength of adhesion with increasing weathering time is slowly decreasing, but the control sample is overshadowed by 30 seconds, while surface adhesion is present in up to 90 s in sugar pastes containing 20, 30 and 50 % MCSD. It was established that with increasing concentration of MCSD the strength of the gap (cogenesis) is significantly increased, almost in 2.0–2.2 times compared with the control, which significantly corrects the consistency of sugar paste.
Conclusion. The indexes of adhesive-cohesive interaction of sugar paste with the addition of milk whey, dry and demineralized, have been established. Increasing the concentration of serum to 50 % in the sugar paste increases the index of adhesion strength by almost 2.5 times, the cohesion is 2.2 times compared with the control. The contact time on the adhesion strengths significantly affects only up to 20 seconds, further adhesion is stable. Consequently, it was investigated that the introduction of dry demineralized milk whey essentially prolongs the period of manufacture of decorating semi-finished products, which is especially positive for those made by the modeling method.

Author Biographies

Mykhailo KRAVCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor, Head of the Department of Technology and Organization 
of Restaurant Business

Svitlana SHAPOVAL, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering
and Technical  Disciplines, Vice rector on scientific and pedagogical work

Larysa RYBCHUK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student at the Department of Technology and Organization of  Restaurant Business


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