Global Determinants of transformation of relations of consumption


  • Alevtyna KUDINOVA Vadim Getman Kyiv National Economic University


consumption, internationalization of consumption, modernization, scientific and technical progress, westernization


Background. Economic rapprochement of the countries as well as international processes such as the division of labor, increased migration of capital and its internationalization, expansion of relations in the banking and insurance sector, increasing labor migration – features of contemporary internationalization and globalization have resulted in character cross-country relationships and trends in the global economy, formed the conditions for alignment of cost producers irrespective of the location of production.
The purpose of the article is the allocation of public precondition in today's world of universal consumption patterns that no longer reflects the national production capabilities, and are the result of internationalization of consumption.
Results. Scientific and technological development is not only the basis for industrial capitalism forming, post-industrial changes, but also a factor of consumption’s internationalization. The driving force of this process proved to be industrial states. Due to such impact the developed ones were faced with the choice of "modernization / westernization". There can be several models.
Society can choose among three mutually exclusive models of "modernization / westernization": the complete rejection of changes; the full adoption of modernization and western life as the inevitable manifestation of global development; active modernization rejecting westernization.
Conclusion. The third model was the most viable, competitive and efficient both in terms of economic development, and in terms of social transformations.

Author Biography

Alevtyna KUDINOVA, Vadim Getman Kyiv National Economic University

candidate of economics sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

KUDINOVA А. 2014. Global Determinants of transformation of relations of consumption. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 17, 1 (Jun. 2014), 14–25.