The ferrate technology of cleaning water from natural sources from nitrite



drinking water, quality and safety of water, ferrate technology, nitrite-ions, spectrophotometric method, redox reactions


Background. The purification of natural water to obtain safe drinking water of high quality is essential. The basic indices and methods for determining the quality and safety of natural drinking water were analyzed [2; 4; 5]. The maximum permissible concentration of nitrates and nitrites in the water has been shown [2]. Methods for cleaning natural drinking water from toxic nitrate- and nitrite-ions were reviewed [12–15]. Nowadays a group of methods of water purification from the contaminants using the new ferrate technology is perspective [16–18].
The aim of the scientific work is application of the ferrate technology for purification of water from natural sources from the toxic nitrite ions and determination of purification degree by the spectrophotometric method.
Material and methods. Objects of study are samples of natural drinking water from the surface and ground water sources of Dnіpropetrovsk region.
The cleaning of drinking water from toxic nitrite ions was held by ferrate technology [17].
Determination of nitrite content in the samples of natural drinking water before and after cleaning was done by the spectrophotometric method with Griss reagent with the formation of dual Nitrogen compound with 1-naphthylamine in a red-purple color [14]. Experiments were conducted on a spectrophotometer Specord 205 Analytik Jena company in the visible spectrum using glass cuvettes.
Results. The kinetics of interaction in alkaline solutions of sodium ferrate (VI) with sodium nitrite was studied, the true rate constant of a chemical reaction was calculated. The possibility of determining the safety of drinking water on natural content of nitrite ions before and after purification by ferrate technology has been shown. It was found that the content of nitrite ions in the analyzed samples of drinking water is two times less after using the ferrate technology. The lowest nitrite content was recorded in the Artesian water.
Conclusion. Prospects of using the ferrate technology to clean natural drinking water from toxic nitrite ions were proven. The safety of drinking water samples from Dnipropetrovsk region sources by the contents of nitrites after its purification by the ferrate technology was determined.

Author Biography

Iryna GONCHAROVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Chemical sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

GONCHAROVA І. (2015). The ferrate technology of cleaning water from natural sources from nitrite. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 19(1), 50–59. etrieved from

